- 423 content found -
- Project no.
29513Waste Management and Circular Economy - Russia - to - Project no.
47191Water Management and Conservation - Russia - toDevelopment of a planning guide for constructed wetlands in rural areas in Kaliningrad region
- Project no.
43086 and 43088Air Quality Management - Russia - toBest available techniques (BAT) for intensive rearing of pig, poultry and cattle in EECCA countries using the example of Russia
- Project no.
31041Air Quality Management - Bulgaria - toTransfer of knowledge for the development, implementation, evaluation and adaptation of air quality plans in Bulgaria
- Project no.
57797Air Quality Management - Mongolia - toExpert mission to identify potential cooperation approaches concerning air pollution control in Mongolia
- Project no.
FKZ 380 01 284Nature Conservation and Biodiversity - Kazakhstan, Russia - toDeveloping a management plan for the planned transboundary Altai Mountains reserve