Green waste
Transfrontier shipments of green-listed wastes pursuant to Annexes III and IIIB, as well as green-listed mixtures of wastes pursuant to Annex IIIA in amounts exceeding 20 kilograms, are subject to general information requirements. Contrary to these requirements, some states that joined the EU in 2004 and thereafter are subject to transitional rules to the effect that green-listed waste is subject to notification requirements. Moreover, third countries are entitled to expressly require notification concerning imports of green-listed waste, or to ban such imports entirely.
In addition, exporters and recipients are required to conclude a contract, which is to be submitted to the competent authorities, insofar as requested. A copy of the consignment information is to be archived for three years and the information on the form is to be submitted to the competent authorities, insofar as requested. Shipments of waste explicitly destined for laboratory analysis must also be accompanied only by the consignment information, if the amount of waste does not exceed 25 kg. This applies to all types of waste.
The consignment information must be signed by the person who arranges the shipment before the shipment takes place, must accompany the transport and must be signed by the operator of the recovery facility or the laboratory and the consignee when the waste in question is received. It has to be kept by the facility operator. If one competent authority does not regard a waste as being "Green Waste" and therefore requires notification, all other authorities concerned must also regard this waste as requiring notification. Numerous questions have arisen concerning the transfrontier shipment of "Green Waste" and the "Consignment Information" form (see “Annex VII FAQs”).
Special provisions for third countries
With publication of regulation (EC) 2021/1840 on October, 20th in 2021 regulation (EC) 1418/2007 was amended. The amending ordinance entered into force as from 10th November 2021. With amendment of regulation (EC) 1418/2007 the so-called country list, which summarizes the content of the regulation in a accessible manner, was updated