Who is doing what in the Energiewende?

eine Frau und ein Mann mit blauen Bau-Schutzhelmen stehen mit einem Tablet und Papierunterlagen in der Hand auf einer Wiese und zeigen auf eine WindkraftanlageClick to enlarge
Public authorities, lobby groups, universities – there are many players in the Energiewende.
Source: goodluz / Fotolia.com

Germany's Energiewende is a complex, large-scale project. The tasks and measures by which to achieve it are manifold and diverse, as reflected by the many active players in Germany. The publication "Who is who of the Energiewende in Germany – Contact Partners in Politics, Industry and Society", published by the Foreign Office in German and English, provides an overview.

Short profiles and identification of contact partners present federal authorities such as the Federal Environment Agency, grid operators, associations, research institutions and foundations. There is also a brief introduction to the Energiewende in Germany and who can provide statistics and market information.

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 Energiewende  renewable energy  renewable energies