Public authorities

As Germany’s main environmental agency, we provide government employees with a full range of job related information and resources such as Web content, brochures, and conferences. We also offer concrete recommendations and guidelines on matters such as drinking water quality and indoor air quality. And if you’d like to see the government agency you work for aid the cause of environmental protection and use eco-friendly products and green electricity, then you should have a look at our helpful hints, as well as our specimen RFPs.

News on Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Showcasing an Innovative Dialogue Model for Global Cooperation

A group of international participants at the main stage of the HSC 2024

At the Hamburg Sustainability Conference 2024, the International Academy Transformation for Environment and Sustainability (TES Academy) at UBA, the Centre for International Postgraduate Studies of Environmental Management (CIPSEM) and the Global Diplomacy Lab showcased an innovative dialogue model for international collaboration on sustainability-related challenges. read more

Press release on Climate | Energy

Majority of German cities and municipalities are faced with the challenges of the climate crisis

Deutsche Kleinstadt mit aufgehender Sonne

Am 1. Juli 2024 ist das Klimaanpassungsgesetz (KAnG) in Kraft getreten. Für die Bundesländer bildet es den Rechtsrahmen, eigene Klimaanpassungsstrategien vorzulegen, und dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass die Kommunen Klimaanpassungskonzepte aufstellen. Eine erste bundesweite, repräsentative Umfrage im Auftrag des UBA zeigt nun, dass eine Mehrheit der befragten Kommunen bei dem Thema aktiv ist. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment