KlimREG – climate change suitable regional plan

How a climate change suitable regional plan could look like gets analysed in the project KlimREG since December 2014. KlimREG studies regional planning requirements for climate adaptation, develops innovative approaches for further development and tests them in three regional planning regions in the course of the reorganisation of their regional plans. The central product of the project is a practical, modular constructed methodology manual for creating a climate change suitable regional plan.
The results from KlimaMORO clarify that the regional planning practice is not taking into account all relevant action areas of climate change adaptation evenly. This is especially true for some areas of action of the preventive flood protection in which the planning practice has deficits with the recommendations of MKRO. It is therefore important to better exploit the control potential of regional planning and to increase the effectiveness of regional planning provisions for the implementation of adaptation strategies.
KlimREG, together with three practice test regions, develops and tests a method manual for creating a climate change suitable regional plan. Given corresponding findings from previous pilot projects of regional planning and other research projects as well as new requirements are included in the regional planning in order to develop possible stipulations for climate-friendly spatial development. The focus of the pilot project lies on the MKRO-activity-areas 'Preventive Flood Protection', 'Protection from Heat Effects', 'Local Water Shortages' and 'Coastal protection'.
three regional practice test regions:
Schleswig-Holstein - Planungsraum III,
Regionalverband Ruhr
No separate climate scenario developed: using the findings of KlimaMORO I and II and the model regions involved there.
The results of the pilot projects of regional planning 'Spatial Development Strategies for Climate Change' (KlimaMORO) highlight that dealing with the consequences of climate change already is a crucial area for regional planning. Action areas of climate change adaptation where most regional plans set specifications are the displacement of the habitats of animals and plants, regional water shortages, coastal protection and securing retention areas as part of preventive flood protection in river basins. Also the protection against heat impact and most parts of the preventive flood protection in river basins became more important in the past few years. Inland flooding in recent years, however, show that there are implementation deficiencies in particular in preventive flood protection.
The climate is changing and the consequences will be felt more strongly. This shows, among other things, in the increased damage from floods in recent years. In addition to the increasing threat from floods, more frequent heavy rains, heat waves and droughts affect the life, housing and economic activity of the people. Regions have to face these challenges and take into account the expected impact of climate change at an early stage. It is about averting of danger but also about exploring opportunities.
The partial goals of KlimREG to develop a 'Climate Suitable Regional Plan' are:
It identifies conflicts and synergies between the regional planning instruments.
For a coherent presentation of the results for regional planning and policy-makers KlimREG has plans to develop the following products:
Instrument kit: systematisation of existing instruments in an instrument kit, the identification of instrument deficits and the development of innovative instruments. This work is based on the following research key questions:
Practical test of the climate change suitable regional plan: testing of the developed instrument innovations for their feasibility and effectiveness. The following research key questions shall support the work:
Furthermore, conflicts and synergies between the individual instruments will be identified. The results form an important basis for the conceptual design for the method manual „Climate Change Suitable Regional Plan“.
Procedural guideline Climate Change Suitable Regional Plan: Preparation of a practice and application oriented method handbook 'Climate Change Suitable Regional Plan' that will consist of three parts. The first part contains the instrument kit. In this section, the regional planning stakeholders can read up on the existing climate change-related instruments as well as on the newly developed or adapted instruments by KlimREG. The second part of the method handbook focuses on the implementation of the instruments during the creation of a regional plan. Based on the assumption that not only one but several climate change-related fields of action are addressed in many regions, the method manual presents instrumental typologies. The case typologies provides different instruments from the various fields of action that can interact e.g. in a positive or negative way, and include potential conflict and synergy areas between the instruments. The third part contains a practical guide for a prototypical approach for creating as well as of minimum characteristics and quality standards of climate change suitable regional plan.
Federal Ministery of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI)
Federal Institute for Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) at the Federal Office for Building and Regional Planning (BBR)
National research assistance:
HafenCity University Hamburg (HCU) in cooperation with REM Consult and Frank Reitzig.
HafenCity Universität Hamburg
Hebebrandstraße 1
22297 Hamburg