Despite favourable atmospheric conditions: too much atmospheric particulate matter in 2007
Only little improvement on account of mild winter and rainy summer
The Federal Environment Agency’s preliminary evaluation of 415 measuring stations demonstrates that favourable atmospheric conditions in 2007 were a relevant factor that account for lower levels of particulate pollution than in previous years. Yet there is absolutely no reason to sound the all-clear, for 2007 also had incidences of particulate matter concentrations above the established cap. 34 of the total 415 measuring stations (compared to 98 in 2006) exceeded PM10 particulate matter levels of 50 microgrammes/cubic metre of air (µg/m³) more often than the allowable 35 days. Furthermore, the annual PM10 limit of 40 µg/m³ was not complied with in measurements made at the Stuttgart Neckartor site. As UBA Vice President Dr. Thomas Holzmann sees it, there is no reason to breathe easily, commenting that ”the mild winter and rainy summer of 2007 were conditions in which particulate matter did not have an C on health as much as it had in previous years. However, this might change again soon, so we must make further reductions in the long term”.