Press release from | No. 30/09

Cycling to work - not only on ”Sport and Health Day”

”UBA is on the move” is the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) motto as it celebrates a sports and health day on 3 June. A national campaign to promote cycling to work was also launched on 1 June by the Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club (ADFC) and Germany’s largest state health insurance scheme, Allgemeine Ortskrankenkassen (AOK), which the UBA is also supporting. Cycling plays a key role for the A... read more

Press release from | No. 028/09

Quick response in case of chemical accident

Up-to-date, quick and reliable information on chemical substances and their environmental impact is important for the sake of environmental protection and when fire departments and the police must avert danger. A database on substances jointly operated by the Germany’s federal government and the Laender Gemeinsamen Stoffdatenpool Bund/Länder, or GSBL, has been in place since 1995. With immediate e... read more

Press release from | No. 29/09

What is the state of environmental protection in Germany?

What progress is being made in Germany in the area of environmental protection? The now updated Environmental Key Indicator System (German: KIS) of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has the answers. More than 50 indicators describe the state of the environment and point to the successes of environmental policy as well as to areas where there is more to be done. Germany got high marks in 2008 fo... read more

Press release from | No. 37/2009

Federal government forest condition survey: Condition of Germany’s forests cause for concern

The Federal Government published the results of its forest condition survey on 10 June 2009. The report identifies the causes for what continues to be the poor condition of forests and also identifies countermeasures. The survey of the condition of forests in Germany demonstrates that two thirds of all forest trees remain damaged, of which 26 percent are ‘severely damaged’. More than half of all o... read more

Press release from | No. 27/2009

For a world free of hazardous chemicals

Two government congresses held this month made considerable progress in matters of international chemicals safety. The Conference of the Parties to the Stockholm Convention and the Second International Conference on Chemicals Management took place in short succession so as to lend the decisions reached at them even more weight. This represents one big step made toward achieving mitigation or elimi... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment