Press release from | No. 17/09

Emissions trading is a big plus for climate protection in Germany

Operators and facilities in Germany subject to emissions trading generated a total of 473 million tonnes of ozone-depleting carbon dioxide (CO2) in 2008, representing a reduction of 14 million tonnes of emissions on 2007 levels. Operators participating in emissions trading were in major part responsible for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in Germany. When taking into account the extended sc... read more

Press release from | No. 16/09

Climate protection: Greenhouse gas emissions in 2008 at their lowest since 1990

Compared to the previous year, total greenhouse gas emissions in Germany in 2008 were reduced by almost 12 million tonnes, which constitutes a decrease of around 1.2 percent. Total emissions amount to 945 million tonnes of CO2-equivalent and are therefore within the target corridor of the Kyoto Protocol, according to which Germany has to reduce its annual greenhouse gas emissions by an average 21... read more

Press release from | No. 14/09

Chemical leasing unburdens environment

Businesses will soon not only be leading cars and computers but also chemicals. The  Federal Environment Agency (UBA) makes this proposal in its ”Sustainable Chemicals” paper. The idea is simple: producers or importers no longer sell a chemical, say a solvent used in printed-circuit-board production, but instead provide the benefits obtained from the chemical, including its professional and ecolog... read more

Press release from | No. 12/09

Schools: Better learning in healthy air

The new edition of Leitfaden für die Innenraumhygiene in Schulgebäuden [Guidebook on indoor air hygiene in school buildings] has been published. The Indoor Air Hygiene Commission of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has reworked it and added new current topics. The 140-page guide offers tips and advice about particulate matter, carbon dioxide, as well as other chemical substances and acoustic p... read more

Press release from | No. 13/2009

More environmentally friendly mobile air conditioning systems needed now

At this year’s 79th International Motor Show in Geneva, which runs from 5-15 March, a myriad of Minis, hybrid and electric cars are pointing towards tomorrow’s trend: fewer emissions and low fuel consumption. It seems the automotive industry has responded to customer demands. Yet a customer’s search for a passenger vehicle fitted with a green air- conditioning system will be in vain.  All the same... read more

Press release from | No. 11/2009

Green information technology: ecologically and economically superior

Information and communications technology (ICT) is the backbone of a modern national economy. However, digitalisation in households and offices, as well as the Internet, are causing high electricity and materials consumption. It takes about ten power plants to cover the power needs of ICT in Germany’s modern households alone. Be it the digital camera, notebook, games console, mobile phone or plasm... read more

Press release from | No. 10/09

Emissions trading: Certificates for 2009

The German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the Federal Environment Agency is issuing the ‘emissions allowances’ for 2009: they will be issued to operators’ accounts in the German Emissions Trading Registry by 28 February. The total 2009 budget in Germany is 451.86 million emissions allowances, of which DEHSt allocates some 390 million free of charge to 1,625 participating installations and... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment