Press release from | No. 14/2014

Adapting to climate change: take preventative action now to contain damages later

People standing on a seat bench surrounded by water

Climate change will augment global risks such as poverty, pollution and the extinction of species which already exist and will slow down economic development. These are the facts reported in Part II of the current World Climate Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) on the impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change which was published today in Yokohama, Japan. read more

Press release from | No. 12/2014

Veterinary drugs – a new problem for groundwater?

Laying-hens in a hen house

Antibiotics are used on a large scale in industrialised farming, especially in pork and poultry production, but also for beef. The animals excrete most of these drugs unchanged. When such contaminated slurry is spread on fields, the drugs are also introduced into the environment. There is no conclusive data on how they affect the environment. Exactly how great is the danger that the drugs spread o... read more

Press release from | No. 11/2014

Sustainable Building Commission founded at Federal Environment Agency (KNB)

building products in an unfinished building

The newly appointed Sustainable Building Commission at the Federal Environment Agency (KNB) will consult the Agency (UBA) on expert issues of sustainable building. In addition, the fourteen experts of the KNB from science and specialist authorities will serve as UBA's platform for scientific debate. The interdisciplinarity of the members of the ecologically focussed KNB reflects the status of the... read more

Press release from | No. 10/2014

Greenhouse gas emissions rise again slightly in 2013, by 1.2 per cent

The chart shows the greenhouse gases in million tonnes CO2 equivalents. In 1990 1,248 were emitted, in 2012 940 and the forecast for 2013 is 951. CO2 is the biggest proportion, than CH4, N2O and f-gases.

Greenhouse gas emissions in Germany rose again slightly in 2013, by 1.2 per cent compared to the previous year. These are the preliminary results of first estimates by the Federal Environment Agency (UBA). A total of nearly 951 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents were emitted in 2013, almost 12 million tonnes more than in 2012. CO2 emissions account for most of the increase, with a rise o... read more

Press release from | No. 08/2014

Legal actions of environmental associations – a success for environment and nature

Nearly half of all appeals by recognised environmental associations are successful, which places their "success rate" far above the average of successful legal proceedings under administrative law in Germany. It has proven to be an effective instrument to ensure compliance with environmental regulations during the planning and authorisation process of industrial and infrastructure projects. read more

Press release from | No. 07/2014

Biomass: Cascading use equals best life cycle assessment

Bioenergy, and biofuels in particular, is the subject of much controversy. Does material use of biomass to make building materials, bioplastics or lubricants pose a better alternative? A research project done on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA) has completed a first-time, in-depth study on the issue, and the results show that the material use of renewable resources before they are us... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment