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Cover des Factsheets "Reducing environmental exposure to biocides through drift during application"
Chemicals, Waste | Resources, Water

Reducing environmental exposure to biocides through drift during application

Summary of two research projects on machinery for the application of biocides

From an environmental point of view, drift of biocidal products to non-target areas should be minimised as far as possible to reduce environmental exposure. Two research projects were commissioned by UBA to elaborate on possibilities to reduce drift to non-target areas during outdoor applications of biocidal products and to derive drift values for the exposure assessment of biocidal more

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Cover of report "Reduction of environmental impact of biocides"
Chemicals, Soil | Land, Water

Reduction of environmental impact of biocides

Practical study of drift of biocide application equipment and development of drift mitigation measures

Within this project, large-scale drift measurements of biocidal applications with a high drift potential were carried out to evaluate the environmental impact and potential risk mitigation in more detail. These applications included, for example, the control of the oak processionary moth, the control of flying and crawling insects and the removal of algae on terraces and paths. Based on the more

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Cover des Berichts "Technical approaches to removing methane from the atmosphere"
Climate | Energy

Technical approaches to removing methane from the atmosphere (methane removal)

Fact check and discussion

Against the background of the discussion on Carbon Dioxide Removal, the question arises as to whether there are also technologies to remove methane (CH4) from the atmosphere (Methane Removal), which is 30 times more harmful to the climate. Methane is converted into CO2 in the atmosphere by natural oxidation processes with an average residence time of 9 to 12 years. This factsheet presents the more

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Dieses Poster bietet die Möglichkeit, die regional richtigen Entsorgungsinformationen für Altmedikamente schnell händisch zu ergänzen und es vor Ort zur Information auszuhängen. Der Name der Region kann eingetragen und die Entsorgungsoptionen Hausmüll, Apotheke sowie Schadstoffmobil oder Recyclinghof können angehakt werden. Zudem kann die Adresse des Recyclinghofs eingetragen werden. Zusätzlich wird ein QR-Code und Link zu gegeben. Es wird darauf hingewiesen Medikamente niemals übe

Poster: Correct disposal of leftover medicines

Für den Schutz von Mensch und Umwelt ist es wichtig, nicht mehr benötigte und abgelaufene Medikamente umweltgerecht zu entsorgen. In den deutschen Landkreisen und kreisfreien Städten werden unterschiedliche Entsorgungswege empfohlen.Dieses Poster bietet die Möglichkeit, die regional richtigen Entsorgungsinformationen schnell händisch zu ergänzen und es vor Ort zur Information für nicht more

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Cover Faltblatt Englisch, Arzneimittel NICHT in die Toilette und Spüle. Cover gezeichnete Illustration: Medikamente; mit Verbotsschild überlagerte Hand, die flüssige Arzneimittel in Toilette und Waschbecken schüttet; Wasser; Fische; Logo Umweltbundesamt

Faltblatt: Do NOT dispose of drugs in the toilet or sink

Nicht mehr benötigte Medikamente gehören nicht in die Toilette oder das Waschbecken, denn so gelangen Arzneistoffe in die Gewässer, Böden und das Grundwasser. Dieses Faltblatt erklärt in englischer Sprache, wie man Altmedikamente richtig entsorgt und warum dies wichtig ist.Das Faltblatt enthält eine Karte, die für alle Landkreise und kreifreien Städte Deutschlands einen empfohlenen more

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Cover of report "The Implementation of the EU Textile Strategy"
Economy | Consumption

The Implementation of the EU Textile Strategy

Terminology and definitions as a basis for the derivation of possible ecodesign requirements

In connection with the planned implementation of the EU Textile Strategy, the aim of the project was to identify relevant terms relating to aspects of the material efficiency of clothing textiles and, if necessary, to specify them. These terms are to be used as a basis for the derivation of possible Ecodesign more

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Cover of report "Cost allocation and incentive mechanisms for environmental, climate protection and resource conservation along global supply chains"
Climate | Energy, Economy | Consumption, Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Cost allocation and incentive mechanisms for environmental, climate protection and resource conservation along global supply chains - Roadmaps for the implementation of sustainable supply chain management approaches and instruments

This report presents exemplary roadmaps for the implementation of sustainable supply chain management practices in the cotton-garment, coffee, iron ore-steel and tin-solder supply chains. The roadmaps can assist companies in the sector and other stakeholders in advancing the environmental performance of suppliers and sub-suppliers primarily through incentives and cooperation. Each roadmap more

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Cover of report "Funding climate-friendly soil management"
Climate | Energy, Soil | Land, Sustainability | Strategies | International matters

Funding climate-friendly soil management

Appropriate policy instruments and limits of market-based approaches

This report assesses how results-based and action-based funding approaches should be used to promote climate-friendly soil management in Europe to deliver climate mitigation and support the agriculture sector’s transition to a net-zero future. It identifies considerable potential but also significant challenges of promoting climate-friendly soil management measures with these funding approaches. more

Climate Change
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