The International Cooperative Programme on Modelling and Mapping of Critical Levels and Loads and Air Pollution Effects, Risks and Trends (ICP Modelling and Mapping) develops and uses critical loads to recommend science-based emission reductions to policy makers within the UN Air Convention (CLRTAP). A critical load defines the deposition of a pollutant below which significant harmful effects on a sensitive ecosystem element are not expected to occur. The Simple Mass Balance (SMB) model is the most widely used steady-state model under the Air Convention to estimate critical loads for nutrient nitrogen (eutrophication) and sulphur together with nitrogen (acidification). Within the SMB model, so-called critical limits define chemical threshold values to prevent harmful effects in the ecosystem. In this report, the currently used critical limits for terrestrial ecosystems were reviewed. The project was motivated to ensure continuous uptake of scientific advances in the effects work. Experts of the National Focal Centres (NFC) and beyond were invited to comment and discuss preliminary results of the project during the ICP Modelling and Mapping Task Force meetings and a workshop. Results will be used by the Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE) to review the Mapping Manual for calculating critical loads.

Texte | 93/2024
Number of pages
Year of publication
Thomas Dirnböck, Karl Knaebel, Ika Djukic, Maximilian Posch
Project No. (FKZ)
3720 51 204 0
German Environment Agency
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