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Climate | Energy

Proposals for contributions of emerging economies to the climate regime under the UNFCCC post 2012

Under the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities,” (Article 3.1 of the UNFCCC) non-Annex I parties have so far been exempted from emission limitation or reduction commitments. However, the pressure is mounting on those countries, especiallymajor emitting developing countries, to contribute actively to the mitigation of climate change. Participation by these developing countries more

Climate Change
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National Implementation of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution (Effects)

Part 1: Deposition Loads: Methods, modelling and mapping results, trends

The research project “National Implementation of the UNECE Convention on Long-range Trans-boundary Air Pollution (Effects): ICP Modelling&Mapping NFC; Heavy Metals (Critical Loads, Deposition); Nitrogen + Acidity (Deposition); Nitrogen (Effects); Material Corrosion; Critical Ozone fluxes” (BMU/UBA FE-No. 204 63 252) is carried out on behalf of Federal Environment Agency, Dessau ( more

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Climate | Energy, Economy | Consumption

Impacts of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme on the industrial competitiveness in Germany

How does emissions trading influence the competitiveness of the German industry? By increasing the costs of domestic production, emissions trading may induce the relocation of industrial production and the associated emissions – e.g. to non-EU countries with few or no climate protection regulations. On behalf of the German Emissions Trading Authority (DEHSt) at the Federal Environment Agency, more

Climate Change
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Guidelines for Indoor Air Hygiene in School Buildings

Air pollutants inside schools present a hygiene problem. The indoor pollution observed inside school buildings can be traced back to a variety of causes, such as poor construction, failings in ventilation engineering, incorrect ventilation routines, and the use of particular building materials, fittings or cleaning products which release chemicals into the air. Microbial problems (mould growth) more

guides and manuals
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Climate | Energy, Waste | Resources, Transport, Agriculture

Criteria for a Sustainable Use of Bioenergy on a Global Scale

When this research project was started in autumn 2006, the discussion on the sustainability of bioenergy – and particularly biofuels – was largely restricted to expert circles. The tenor of the discussion however had already developed in the direction of increasing skepticism. Biofuels have so far only become important in terms of volume in Brazil, in the USA (both bioethanol) and in Germany ( more

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Climate | Energy, Water

Impacts of climate change on water resources - adaption strategies for Europe

The objectives of the present research study were twofold: first, to provide a synthesis of the state of the art of research on climate change impacts on water resources and the occurrence of extreme events (floods, droughts and heatwaves) in Europe. Observed and projected changes at regional level are analysed in detail. The second objective was to analyse the challenges for European societies more

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Air Pollution Prevention Manual on Emission Monitoring

Research Report

2. revised edition

In Germany, routine measurements are made in the environmental areas of air, noise and water. These measurements are to ensure that the quality of such media are checked as well as to evaluate any measures necessary in order to insure safety or improve quality. The legal basis for measurements intended to monitor environmental air quality is the “Federal Immission Control Act” ( more

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Climate | Energy, Transport

Estimate of the Technological Costs of CO2 Emission Reductions in Passenger Cars

- Emission Reduction Potentials and their Costs-

Proceeding from the UBA report of 19 April 2007 we updated the costs and potentials of technologies that improve the fuel efficiency of cars. For this purpose, extensive research was carried out. The results for six car classes (diesel and otto engines, and in each case small, medium-sized and large cars) are displayed. read more

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