No.: 6/2020Newsletter "UBA aktuell"

Dear Reader,

What is the best way to ensure healthy air in classrooms during the Corona pandemic – ventilation or mobile devices for air purification? More on this in the focus article of this newsletter edition. Other topics include the recycling of waste containing precious and minor metals, the renewed increase in packaging consumption in Germany in 2018 and the EU climate targets for 2030.

Enjoy reading and stay healthy

The Press Office of the German Environment Agency

Corona protection in schools: shock ventilation is best for healthy air

Children and teacher in classroom
Regular short bursts of ventilation through wide open windows provide fresh air low in viruses
Source: Wavebreakmedia / iStockphoto

The corona pandemic poses major challenges for schools and has prompted discussions on appropriate protective measures. In order to keep the air in the classrooms as virus-free as possible, the German Environment Agency advises airing the classrooms for about five minutes every 20 minutes and during all breaks with windows wide open. 

Mobile devices for air purification are less effective. They are generally not able to quickly and reliably rid the indoor air of viruses. Moreover, they merely circulate the air so that CO2 and humidity can accumulate over time in the classroom – this can lead to fatigue and concentration problems and promote mould. For this reason, the devices are only suitable as a supplement to ventilation if the windows in classrooms cannot be opened sufficiently and if supportive, simple supply and exhaust air systems that supply fresh air from outside cannot be considered. Mobile air purifiers should always be professionally assessed before deployment to ensure that they are suitable for the room in question. The air flow must be adequate, the device should not be too loud and it must not release unwanted pollutants.

Rooms in which there is no possibility for ventilation via windows at all and in which no ventilation system with a supply of outside air is used are not suitable for teaching from the point of view of indoor hygiene.

Consumer tips

Climate-neutral living in everyday life

Depending on your lifestyle, your personal CO2 footprint can vary greatly. The most important areas to adjust are mobility, housing and nutrition. With the updated CO2 calculator you can calculate your personal footprint and find out how we can all reduce CO2 in our daily lives. read more (in German)

First wood-burning stove with the “Blue Angel”

Fireplaces radiate cosy warmth and use wood, a renewable raw material, but also emit a lot of harmful particulate matter. For the first time, a wood-burning stove has now been awarded the "Blue Angel" eco-label. Thanks to electronic control of the air supply, a catalytic converter and a dust separator, it emits significantly fewer particulates. read more (in German)

Public survey on safe chemicals management in Europe

Several tens of thousands of chemicals are on the market in the EU, many of which are also found in the blood or urine of citizens. Human biomonitoring (HBM) investigates the extent to which these chemicals end up in humans and how they get there in the first place. The EU's HBM4EU programme has launched a survey to better understand the needs, concerns and questions surrounding this issue. read more (in German)

UBA positions

Die Erde aus dem All.

Using coronavirus stimulus packages to enhance climate action

Stimulus packages amounting to billions of euros have been and are being launched worldwide to mitigate the economic and social impacts of the coronavirus crisis. The Federal Environment Ministry (BMU) and the German Environment Agency (UBA) consider these programmes an opportunity to set the course towards a more sustainable society by planning a resilient and viable economic recovery. read more

Darstellung eines Konferenzbereiches

Linking climate change mitigation and resource conservation more closely

The German Environment Agency (UBA) is urging the debate about climate change mitigation not to forget the protection of other resources and raw materials. The UBA study "RESCUE" recently showed for Germany that climate action and resource protection can not only be implemented simultaneously, but that they even support and strengthen each other. read more

Science and Research

Board of a processor, on it a recycling symbol

Increasing the recycling of precious and minor metals

To increase recycling of precious and minor metals, a German Environment Agency study concludes that dismantling and recycling obligations plus information obligations for WEEE and motors with neodymium magnets and end-of-life vehicle electronics may be appropriate. It also recommends consolidation workshops and adjustments to legislation regarding the long-term interim storage of minor metals. read more

Eine Pfanne liegt im Sand

750 experts discuss new PFAS research and strategies

On 30.11. and 1.12.2020 the conference „PFAS - Dealing with contaminants of emerging concern“ took place. Experts from Europe and around the world exchanged views online on how to deal with environmental pollution caused by poly- and perfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). Because of their unique properties, these more than 5,000 substances are used in a wide variety of products. read more

Kleine Böller auf der Straße.

Fireworks produce 2,050 tonnes of particulate matter per year

Particulate matter pollution in the early hours of New Year's Day is usually at some of the highest levels of the whole year, especially in metropolitan areas and cities – due to New Year's fireworks and emissions of particulate matter. It was previously assumed that 4,500 tonnes of particulate matter emitted by fireworks are to blame for the poor air quality. read more

German Environment Agency launches interactive nitrate map

Groundwater in Germany is in some cases too highly contaminated with nitrate. The data from the 2020 Nitrate Report have now been published in the interactive map service "German Environment Agency Nitrate Web App". Here users can research nitrate data for groundwater, rivers, lakes and marine waters. read more (in German)

Pollutants can enter water bodies from wastewater treatment plants

The use of products (such as cleaning products, wall paints) and objects (such as bicycles, cars, clothes, pans) in urban areas is linked to the discharge of a wide range of substances into wastewater and ultimately into water bodies. An inventory shows that many substances are retained in sewage treatment plants, while others pass through them or enter water bodies directly via the sewerage system. read more (in German)

German Environment Agency study on the further development of the waste prevention programme

The German Federal Waste Prevention Programme was adopted in 2013. The programme aimed to reduce the amount of waste. The programme has been critically assessed and will now be updated in 2020. To this end, a German Environment Agency study was conducted to identify priority waste streams and concepts and to develop proposals for measures to make waste prevention more effective in the future. read more (in German)

Legionella detection in evaporative cooling systems: new findings

In order to be able to better test the hazard potential of legionella from evaporative cooling systems, a substance mixture was developed which prevents biocide adulteration when sampling cooling water. In addition, procedures for measuring aerosols containing legionella in the discharged air and for testing the efficiency of droplet separators were developed on behalf of the German Environment Agency. read more (in German)

Economy and Environment

In verschiedene Kisten ordentlich sortierte Materialien wie Altpapier, Altglas und Plastikfalschen

Packaging waste: Online marketplaces must be subject to better oversight

The German Environment Agency (UBA) proposes to require operators of online marketplaces to ensure compliance with the Packaging Act on their platforms. "Digital marketplaces can also do more to protect the environment. We recommend that in future all online platforms check before selling goods whether sellers have complied with the obligation to be registered in the Packaging Register." read more

Fluss mit sehr wenig Wasser

Schulze: Germany needs a national water strategy

After two years of intensive consultations, the Federal Environment Ministry has concluded the National Water Dialogue, which deals with the water management of the future. The virtual closing event will be attended today by Federal Environment Minister Svenja Schulze and numerous experts from water management, administration and research. read more

Die Jury läuft auf die Kameralinse zu.

Ninth year of Federal Ecodesign Award for forward-looking projects

A virtual journey to a high alpine glacier, rescued crockery, recyclable denim production or the revival of old variety vegetables – the winners of the German Federal Ecodesign Award look for solutions to a more sustainable lifestyle with pioneering projects that are both ecological and excellent in their design. read more

Investments in climate adaptation also strengthen the economy

Investments in climate-friendly railways, roads, buildings and waterways, the promotion of environmental protection and nature conservation projects, as well as informing society about the health risks posed by extreme heat, not only help to counter the consequences of climate change, but also strengthen the German economy. These are the results of a research project commissioned by the German Environment Agency. read more (in German)

New UMID: chemicals in textiles

A multitude of chemicals are used in the production of textiles. What exactly are these critical chemicals and what are the legal regulations? The new issue of the magazine UMID addresses this question. Other topics: UV filters in sunscreen products, a nationwide pollen monitoring system, the EU COST network "European Burden of Disease" and the One-Health concept. read more (in German)

New paint shop saves greenhouse gasses, materials and space

52 per cent less waste and almost 98 tonnes less CO2 emissions per year – that is the outcome of a new type of paint shop for plastic parts supported by the Environmental Innovation Programme. read more (in German)

Reusable bottles with swing tops are cleaned in an environmentally friendly manner

Reusable bottles are good for the environment. And even more so if they are rinsed in an energy- and water-efficient manner. At the private brewery Moritz Fiege GmbH & Co. KG in Bochum, this is achieved with a new bottle washing machine promoted by the Environmental Innovation Programme. The swing top bottles are now being cleaned with over 10,000 cubic metres less water and 170 tonnes less CO2 emissions per year. read more (in German)

Environment at municipal level

Blaues Logo des Wettbewerbs 2020

Climate change adaptation in Germany – specialist conference on strategies to counter heat, drought and heavy rainfall

A resilient climate change forest, urban green as a cool oasis in the middle of a hot city, climate-friendly building materials made from natural resources, and a coaching programme to assist municipalities in adapting to climate change – these are the winners of this year’s Blauer Kompass award. The projects were honoured during an online conference on climate resilience. read more

Good practical examples of compact, low-noise neighbourhoods

Living, working and leisure in the same neighbourhood – this is the recipe for short journeys and lively districts. The final report of a German Environment Agency research project uses eight good practice examples to show how noise conflicts in mixed-use urban neighbourhoods can be solved or avoided from the outset. The report gives recommendations for action for municipalities, the Federal Government and the Federal States. read more (in German)

Prioritise and implement action plans with noise hotspots

Noise action plans are designed to help municipalities reduce noise pollution for as many people as possible. In order to be able to prioritise measures and thus use financial resources efficiently, it is helpful to identify noise hotspots. A German Environment Agency project shows that the Noise Index can be used for this purpose. read more (in German)

Environment International

The first Baltic Sea Action Plan celebrates its 13th anniversary

From July 2020 to June 2022 Germany holds the Presidency of the Helsinki Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea (HELCOM). One of the current challenges is to update the Baltic Sea Action Plan and step up implementation of the agreed measures. The first Baltic Sea Action Plan was adopted in Krakow on 15 November 2007. read more (in German)

Law and Legislation

News on green public procurement

What are the benefits of green procurement and how can it be implemented in practice? The German Environment Agency explains this in a new short film. The German Environment Agency has also updated its legal opinion on environmentally friendly public procurement and briefly summarised the changes the amendment to the Recycling Act brings to federal procurement agencies. read more (in German)

UBA recommendations for amendment of the Material Flow Balance Sheet Ordinance

One objective of the German sustainability strategy is to reduce nitrogen surpluses and phosphorus discharges to surface waters. The German Environment Agency makes proposals in a report for the amendment of the Material Flow Balance Ordinance 2021 to effectively limit nitrogen surpluses on farms and reduce phosphorus inputs from agricultural land. read more (in German)

Climate change impacts in the environmental impact assessment (EIA)

As a result of climate change, extreme weather events such as floods or droughts are becoming more frequent and sea levels are rising. As a result, environmental impact assessments (EIAs) for the approval of projects, such as new industrial plants, must now also take into account risks from natural events. A German Environment Agency research project provides recommendations for law enforcement authorities, project sponsors and expert offices. read more (in German)

Field mouse control threatens the European hamster

If wild mice spread through the fields, seeds and young plants can be damaged considerably. The mice are to be controlled by soil cultivation or poison. It is important here to avoid endangering the European hamster, which is currently faced with the threat of extinction. At present, this is not guaranteed by emergency provisions for poisons and their implementation. read more (in German)

Recently published

Cover of broschure 9 Principles for a Circular Economy

9 principles for a circular economy

Sustainable development is hardly imaginable without a consistent circular economy. However, turning away from a predominantly linear economy requires many political, economic and social decisions.The German Environment Agency has now developed principles for politics, business and society, which systematically outline the objectives, scope, maxims for action, requirements and success factors more

guides and manuals
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Year of publication
Cover of broschure guidelines on Environmental Product Information in E-Commerce

Guidelines on Environmental Product Information in E-Commerce

When consumers want to find out about products, they often do research on the internet. Product information can be found online in a variety of places, starting with manufacturers' websites, search engines, internet communities and online shops. Product information makes an important contribution by enabling and encouraging environmentally-related purchasing decisions and thus the responsible more

brochure / flyer
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Cover of study Environmental Awareness in Germany 2018

Environmental Awareness in Germany 2018

Results of a representative survey

Compared to the last study of 2016, the study on environmental awareness in Germany 2018 shows that the importance of environmental protection and climate action gained in significance in the eyes of the population. The expectations towards relevant actors seem to have increased as well. People see environmental policy as a task to be considered within all political areas. A survey is more

brochure / flyer
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Cover EPA-Positionspapier

European Green Recovery – Building back better based on the Green Deal

This position paper is the result of the work of the EPA Network’s group on Green Stimulus and reflects the inputs of all participants of the group. It emphasizes the urgent need to use the EU’s Covid-19 recovery efforts to also address the climate and biodiversity crises. Applying ambitious sustainability criteria to the economic recovery programmes of the EU will not only contribute to more

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Cover of the Position Paper "International Environmental and Sustainability Policy During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic" from the German Environment Agency, as at October 2020

International Environmental and Sustainability Policy During and After the Covid-19 Pandemic

The position paper discusses the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic for the global economy and geopolitics, for the countries of the Global South and for international environmental and sustainability policy. On this basis, the paper proposes approaches for a substantive reorientation of international environmental and sustainability policy. For example, the nexus of environment and health more

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Cover of broschure Lessons from the Corona Crisis: New guiding principles required for environmental and sustainability policy? – a discussion paper

Lessons from the Corona Crisis: New guiding principles required for environmental and sustainability policy? – a discussion paper

The position paper reflects, which guiding principles for future environmental and sustainability policy might be necessary in addition to the existing ones in order to achieve firstly effective crisis management of current and possibly future pandemics and secondly the kick-off into socio-ecological transformations needed to reduce long-term environmental risks. The proposals are based on a more

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Cover Nanomaterials in the environment

Nanomaterials in the environment

Current state of knowledge and regulations on chemical safety

Recommendations of the German Environment Agency

Nanomaterials can have different or new properties in comparison with conventional chemicals and materials. Meanwhile the substance legislations was partially adapted by nano-specific provisions; for parts however adaptation needs still exist. As a result, specific environmental risks cannot be fully described and assessed as well as appropriate measures to minimize the risks cannot be taken. more

background paper
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First page of the paper "Raising the EU 2030 GHG Emission Reduction Target" of the German Environment Agency

Raising the EU 2030 GHG Emission Reduction Target

Implications for ETS and non ETS sectoral targets

The political debate on raising EU’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction target for 2030 from at least 40 percent up to 55 percent or even higher is in full swing. While the European Commission has proposed to reduce emissions by at least 55 percent below 1990 levels, the European Parliament went a step further and adopted a target of 60 percent emissions reductions. This paper intends to more

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Cover of fact sheet The spillover effect of domestic climate action

The spillover effect of domestic climate action

How to strengthen the external impact of domestic climate action

The global climate crisis calls for swift and bold implementation of climate mitigation measures globally and domestically. A short study, commissioned within a research project on the implications of the Paris Agreement at the German Environment Agency, looks at the main mechanisms and drivers for the uptake of climate policies beyond just the borders of the individual countries implementing more

fact sheet
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Cover of position paper Transforming the transport sector for EVERYONE

Transforming the transport sector for EVERYONE

How to achieve more socially just and environmentally friendly mobility

This position paper shows why the German transport system is in urgent need of reform, not only from an environmental but also from a societal point of view. Households with low incomes, women, children or elderly people are disproportionately affected by transport-related emissions, although they contribute comparatively little to the stress caused by transport. In addition, households with more

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Cover of publication 'Where are we going'

Where are we going?

More and more people are flying. In 2018 alone, worldwide passenger air traffic will increase by 6.7 percent compared to the previous year. And it continues to grow. This means that the negative effects are also growing. With this brochure, the German Environment Agency (UBA) is therefore addressing an important and at the same time very complex issue. How much air traffic is actually more

brochure / flyer
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As recounted


With more than 180 measures, the Federal Government wants to make Germany climate resilient, protect it against hazards caused by floods, low water or disrupted infrastructure, adverse effects on agriculture, health hazards, security risks in industry and challenges in civil protection.


Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency)
Präsidialbereich / Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Internet; Pressesprecher
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06844 Dessau-Roßlau, Germany
Phone: +49(0) 340 2103-2416
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Corinne Meunier

Six times a year our Newsletter „UBA aktuell“ provides information about the latest activities and work of the German Environment Agency (UBA).

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