Industrial installations are only granted a license if model calculations have demonstrated that the emissions of the planned installation will not cause permitted levels of pollutants in ambient air to be exceeded. In Germany, the Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control (Technische Anleitung zur Reinhaltung der Luft, TA Luft) lay down requirements for such model calculations, and similar pr... read more
Air Quality Control in Europe
Lead in particulate matter
Lead is a toxic heavy metal and usually occurs bound to other substances. In ambient air lead is measured bound to particulate matter. read more
Cadmium in particulate matter
Cadmium is toxic and cancerogenic. It belongs to the heavy metals and usually occurs bound to other substances. In ambient air arsenic is measured bound to particulate matter. read more
Arsenic in particulate matter
Arsenic is toxic and can have metallic or non-metallic characteristics. It rarely occurs elementary but most of the time bound to other substances. In ambient air arsenic is measured bound to particulate matter. read more
WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management
The WHO Collaborating Centre for Air Quality Management and Air Pollution Control (WHO CC) provides the WHO Regional Office for Europe with scientific advice and support in the field of health impact assessment of ambient and indoor air pollution, and climate change. read more
Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW)
The Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) Programme of the World Meteorological Organisation, UNO/WMO is a system of global monitoring of the atmosphere. It consists of a worldwide measuring network of observation stations and scientific infrastructure. read more
Heavy Metals in Particulate Matter (PM10)
Heavy metals in ambient air rarely occur elementary but most of the time bound to particulate matter. By inhalation health risks arise because some pollutants like arsenic, cadmium and nickel are classified to be cancerogenic.The European directive 2004/107/EC regulates the measurement and assessment of arsenic, cadmium and nickel in particulate matter (PM10). Lead in particulate matter... read more
Air quality maps: Background information
How are the German Environment Agency's maps of Germany's current air pollution and ozone concentration forecasts drawn up? We explain here in brief. read more