air quality


Quick guide on how to use "Current air data" information pages

Experts at the monitoring stations of the German states and the German Environment Agency take multiple daily measurements to determine the air quality in Germany. Shortly after measurements are taken, you can go to our “Current air data” webpage to look up measured values, some forecast data, and data on past years. read more


Information on the PM10 exceedance table

The table shows the up-to-date number of days of PM10 exceedances in the current year at the measuring stations of the German States and UBA. PM10 (PM = Particulate Matter) is the term used for matter with a maximum diameter of 10 micrometres (µm). read more


Indoor air hygiene

livingroom with armchairs, dining table, carpet, lamps, pictures and potted plants

People in developed countries spend the majority of their lives indoors, on average about two thirds in their home. However, the quality of indoor air is not always beneficial to human health. read more


Year of Air 2013

Das Logo zum Jahr der Luft 2013 zeigt eine Pusteblume und den Schriftzug "Jahr der Luft"

This Federal Environment Agency web page offers regularly updated information about air and other topics related to this most important elixir of life. Find out here how air quality has developed and which pollutants are harmful to health. We identify sources of pollution and point out measures to combat it. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment