The Antarctic Peninsula and parts of West Antarctica have a favourable climate by Antarctic standards. This is why many human research and tourist activities take place there. Together with measurable climate change these are the reasons why this region is also especially threatened by the introduction and spread of non-native species. read more
Sustainability | Strategies | International matters
Non-native species
Threats to biodiversity
Farmland provides a habitat for myriad plants and animals, in that fields and pastures are sources of food and provide a safe haven for rest and breeding. But unfortunately, the growing trend toward using large tracts of farmland for monocultures greatly reduces the availability of such habitats, with the result that farm area biodiversity has been on the wane for many years. read more
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
CLEAR - Climate and Environment in Alpine Regions
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
DYNALP - enhanced value for nature and landscape for marketing and tourism in the rural Alps
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
DYNALP2 - communities for sustainable development in the Alps
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
BiodivKlima - Integration of Biodiversity Concerns in Climate Change Mitigation Activities - A Toolkit
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
CBD Climate Change Adaptation Database
KomPass: project on Climate | Energy
BayFORKLIM - Bavarian climate research cooperation