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OECD handbook reinforces environmental protection in raw material

Drohnenansicht eines kontaminierten, giftigen Wasserlaufs in Geamana, Rumänien

The new OECD Handbook on Environmental Due Diligence in Mineral Supply Chains is a milestone for environmental protection in global value chains. For the first time, a clear description is given of how companies can identify, assess and prioritise environmental issues at the beginning of their global supply chains and take measures to prevent, mitigate or find solutions to arising problems. read more

Economy | Consumption

Environmentally Harmful Subsidies

chimneys and a brown coal mine

Environmentally harmful subsidies comprise a double burden on the national budget: firstly, as excess expenditure by the state and loss of tax revenue; secondly due to the increased costs for clean-up of damage to the environment and health. Environmentally harmful subsidies worth over €57 billion were granted in 2012. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment