Sino-German Track-II-Dialogue

8. Plenartreffens des T2D in Shanghai, Mai 2024Click to enlarge
8th Plenary Meeting of the T2D in Shanghai, May 2024
Source: Stephan Thurm (UBA)

The Sino-German Track II Dialogue (T2D) on Climate Change and Sustainable Development was launched in December 2020. It is a central exchange format for German and Chinese scientists to support the ministerial dialog.

Table of Contents



The aim of the dialog is to support the bilateral dialog between the two countries at ministerial level (Track I) with scientific expertise. It offers opportunities to create a common understanding and joint learning at the scientific level. It provides science-based advice for the negotiations of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and contributes to the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.

The Sino-German T2D serves as an independent forum for scientific dialog on pressing climate issues. In this function, the T2D aims to:

  • Provide a regular platform for discussions to enhance mutual understanding of experts and policy supporting teams from both sides
  • Support the ministerial dialogue through the formulation of policy recommendations
  • Provide an opportunity for mutual learning and to share best practices on both sides
  • Provide advice on the domestic implementation of UNFCCC negotiation outcomes and Paris Agreement policies in both countries
  • Achieve an understanding on what kind of research, international cooperation and national instruments best serve the implementation of the Paris Agreement
  • Exchange views and achieve understanding on the current political context of climate and sustainable development policies

During its first two phases (2020 – 2023, 2023 – 2026), the T2D was implemented by the National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC) in China and the German Environment Agency (UBA), as the lead agencies designated by the Chinese and German governments. The T2D receives active support by GIZ, both in China and in Germany.

Since phase two, the T2D is commissioned by the German Federal Foreign Office (AA) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (BMUV) on the German side.


Phase One

In phase one (2020 – 2023), four working groups were established on defined topics: Green Recovery/Transition, Emissions Trading, Scenarios and Modelling for Long-Term Emissions Reduction Strategies, and Enhancing Emissions Data Quality. From 2020 to 2023, six T2D Steering Committee meetings as well as various working group meetings, have taken place within the T2D. The working groups carried out various joint research activities and presented their findings in the Steering Group meetings. On 10th November 2022, a side event including a high-level segment with the Chinese and German Climate Envoys was successfully held at the Chinese Pavilion during COP27 held in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, as a display of the achievement of Sino-German cooperation on climate issues.

In April 2023, NCSC, UBA and experts of both sides closed T2D phase one and launched phase two.

Der Deutsch-Chinesische Track-II-Dialog zu Klimawandel und Nachhaltiger Entwicklung
9th Plenary Meeting of the T2D in Potsdam, October 2024
Source: Tim Schubert (UBA)

Phase Two

In phase two (2023-2026), the T2D works on a broad variety of topics: Long-term Strategy and Just Transition, Data and Transparency, Loss and Damage Resulted from Climate Change, Biodiversity and Climate, Multilateral Negotiations/ UNFCCC, Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). Outputs include policy papers and the facilitation of expert workshops. With the COVID Pandemic fading, in person plenary meetings were possible twice each year in 2023 and 2024. The German side hosted Chinese delegations in Dessau-Roßlau in October 2023 and in Potsdam in October 2024. In addition, the T2D hosted side events at COP 28 in Dubai, UAE, (German Pavilion) and at COP 29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, (Chinese Pavilion). The in-person meetings benefited the building of trust between both sides and supported the scientific activities in all teams. As to this, the T2D hosted public events on the side of its Steering Committee meetings and will continually publish its work results on this webpage. Phase two is expected to close after COP 30 in Belém, Brazil, in early 2026.

Involved Institutions

In phase two, experts from the following institutions contribute to the German side of the T2D:

  • Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN)
  • Öko Institut
  • Agora Energiewende
  • Universität Stuttgart
  • Institut Méditerranéen de Biodiversité et d'Ecologie (IMBE)
  • Umweltbundesamt (UBA)

The German-Chinese Track II Dialogue on Climate Change and Sustainable Development

  1. Side Event des T2D am chinesischen Pavillon bei COP29 in Baku, Aserbaidschan
  2. Side Event des T2D am chinesischen Pavillon bei COP29 in Baku, Aserbaidschan
  3. 9. Plenartreffen des T2D in Potsdam, Oktober 2024
  4. 9. Plenartreffen des T2D in Potsdam, Oktober 2024
  5. 9. Plenartreffen des T2D in Potsdam, Oktober 2024
  6. 9. Plenartreffen des T2D in Potsdam, Oktober 2024
  7. Event an der Berliner Hertie School zur dt.-chin. Klimazusammenarbeit mit StS Jennifer Morgan