INKA BB - Innovation Network of Climate Change Adaptation Brandenburg Berlin

INKA BB is a network of scientists and practitioners who, by working together, aim to meet the challenges brought about by climate change. Berlin and Brandenburg are considered to be particularly vulnerable to future climate change. Temperature rises, extended dry periods and an increase in extreme weather events are likely to occur. Low annual precipitation and sandy soils with a low water storage capacity also make the region vulnerable in the future to dry periods and heavy precipitation. These factors impact not only on agriculture and forestry, but also lead to a deterioration of water quality, affecting both Brandenburg and Berlin. A specifically urban problem is the heating up of cities and the deterioration of air quality during hot spells, which can be detrimental to health. INKA BB is testing adaptation strategies with a spatial focus on the planning regions of Uckermark-Barnim, Lusatia-Spreewald and Berlin. In each of these areas, local partners from economic actors and public administration collaborate with scientists and public authorities.
The research planned within this project is carried out in 24 subprojects, which are linked to each other in content and follow a common, higher-level work programme. They are divided into three areas:
Against this background, it is the common goal of the project partners to ensure the sustainability of land and water use and health management in the region under changing climate conditions. These strategic adaptability of representatives from industry, politics and administration to the looming climate change is encouraged.
Specifically the project INKA BB has the goal to enable entrepreneurs and business associations as well as decision makers in political administration
The adaptation strategies affect on the one hand INKA BB members, but also external partners in the region Berlin-Brandenburg. Therefore, the network understands itself as a growing organisation, which intends equally to initiate and actively design change and to act as a role model and partner that encourages learning and process change. To achieve this, the project aims to bundle the existing competencies of research, public administration, business associations and civil associations of the region.
A particular challenge of adapting to climate change is how to deal with an uncertain climate-related knowledge and to take decisions on adaptation measures under uncertain conditions. Therefore, updated regional climate scenarios are provided that allow the network partners, to assess the opportunities and risks of climate change problem-oriented and evaluated.
Climate change and extreme weather conditions (e.g. heavy rain, storms, drought, heat, frost periods) are already detectable in the region Berlin Brandenburg. Due to the relatively low annual rainfall, a high water content and the dominance of sandy soils with low storage capacity the Brandenburg region is particularly vulnerable to long-lasting heat waves, droughts and associated water shortages.
Also the Berlin agglomeration area is subject to the effects of climate change. The heating of the city during heat waves and the short-term deterioration of the quality of urban water caused by heavy rain events are to be feared.
A Climate Impact Register will be developed showing data on climate impact contexts for the Berlin-Brandenburg region, which are linked to data on regional vulnerability as well as the effects of adaptation measures. On this basis, extrapolations to the effects of selected measures at the level of planning regions and the overall region of Berlin-Brandenburg will be created. This will serve as a planning and decision-making basis for political and administrative actors.
The Climate Impact Register provides a reliable basis for the assessment of adaptation needs, for practical impact analysis and as a planning and decision-making basis for political-administrative and business actors.
To deal with the challenges of climate change the network partners create numerous scientific and technological innovations and changes in planning and action routines in the production and management areas. This includes new behaviors such as proactive risk management and strategic adaptation behavior in companies and organizations of land use, water management and healthcare as well as structural changes such as institutionalized science-practice networks for the generation, operationalization and dissemination of relevant knowledge and new networked models and objectives.
In the following field adaptation measures are planned and partly implemented:
e.g. economic evaluation of the management effects according to silvicultural models at the regional level and of different land use options for the planning regions
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) - research priority: "KLIMZUG – Managing climate change in the regions for the future "
Institut für Sozioökonomie, Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung
The network links researchers, businesses, policy-makers and public administrations. Practitioner partners in the network include companies from agriculture and forestry, tourism, and water management sectors as well as civil associations and public authorities from Brandenburg and Berlin and further afield. In total, INKA BB includes around 100 organisations and stakeholders
ZALF - Zentrum für Agrarlandschafts- und Landnutzungsforschung, Müncheberg
Eberswalder Straße 84
D-15374 Müncheberg (Mark)Brandenburg