The winners of the German “Blauer Kompass” Prize 2024 confirmed. With over 300 applications, the nationwide competition for the highest state honour for climate crisis preparedness and adaptation once again set a new participation record. read more

The winners of the German “Blauer Kompass” Prize 2024 confirmed. With over 300 applications, the nationwide competition for the highest state honour for climate crisis preparedness and adaptation once again set a new participation record. read more
Germany intends to become climate-neutral by 2045. This goal requires a sufficient number of well-qualified specialists to implement and advance the necessary measures on the road to a sustainable society. read more
Am 1. Juli 2024 ist das Klimaanpassungsgesetz (KAnG) in Kraft getreten. Für die Bundesländer bildet es den Rechtsrahmen, eigene Klimaanpassungsstrategien vorzulegen, und dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass die Kommunen Klimaanpassungskonzepte aufstellen. Eine erste bundesweite, repräsentative Umfrage im Auftrag des UBA zeigt nun, dass eine Mehrheit der befragten Kommunen bei dem Thema aktiv ist. read more
Water bodies can contribute to climate change as sources of greenhouse gases – this is the conclusion of a new UBA study. Modified water bodies in particular emit carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Renaturalisation and the reconnection of floodplains can help to reduce these emissions and enable water bodies to act as greenhouse gas sinks. read more
Capacity expansion must be further accelerated to meet climate and energy targets. In the heating sector, mild weather led to lower demand for heating. In the mobility sector, the use of renewable electricity in transport increased slightly. read more
The European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS 1) covers emissions from energy-intensive industry, the energy sector and intra-European aviation. In 2023, the 1,725 stationary installations in Germany covered by the EU ETS 1 emitted around 289 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO₂-eq). This corresponds to a reduction of around 18 per cent compared to the previous year. read more
Sponge city concepts are an essential basis for adapting cities to extreme weather events such as heavy rain, heat and drought. Many local authorities are working toward that aim. However, it is becoming increasingly important to remove barriers so that towns and cities can better prepare for changing climate conditions. read more
On World Environment Day, the German Environment Ministry (BMUV), together with the German Environment Agency (UBA), the Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), provided comprehensive information on the health risks and protective measures related to the climate crisis at the Environment Week event. read more