Economy | Consumption

The way our economy currently operates is undermining the foundations of our prosperity because it destroys the natural bases of that very economy. Overuse of resources and climate change are prime examples. Green Economy, sustainable production and sustainable consumption are therefore the overriding aims in the area of economy and consumption.

"Mehr als schön" - more than beautiful: Winners of German Federal Ecodesign Award announced

logo with the word "schön" (beautíful)

Federal Environment Minister Barbara Hendricks and President Maria Krautzberger of the German Environment Agency (UBA) honoured eight winning projects from the Federal Ecodesign Award 2016 contest today. Awards were given to sustainable and recyclable textiles, energy-saving solutions for mobility and buildings, a near zero-emissions wood heating system and a next-generation concept for the removal of plastic particles from the oceans. read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment