Disclaimer: Dieser Artikel ist ein Beitrag im Rahmen der Konferenz "Innenraumluft 2024" und spiegelt nicht die Meinung des Umweltbundesamtes wider. Für die Inhalte sind die genannten Autoren und Autorinnen verantwortlich.
Christoph Grimmer1, Anna Musyanovych2, Rebecca Skadi Strzelczyk1,3, Wolfgang Horn1, Matthias Richter11Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung
2Fraunhofer-Institut für Mikrotechnik und Mikrosysteme
3Brandenburgische Technische Universität, Technische ChemieEmpfohlene Zitierweise: Grimmer, C., Musyanovych, A., Strzelczyk, R. S., Horn, W., Richter, M. (2024). Entwicklung von konstant emittierenden Referenzmaterialien für das Prüfkammerverfahren. Beitrag P02 zur Fachtagung „Innenraumluft 2024 - Messen, Bewerten und Gesundes Wohnen“, 6.-8. Mai 2024, Dessau-Roßlau. https://www.umweltbundesamt.de/irl2024-p02
Entwicklung von konstant emittierenden Referenzmaterialien für das Prüfkammerverfahren
There are no commercially available reference materials (RM) for the emission test chamber procedure, but RMs are required by the standard (EN 16516). We study the generation of new RMs with improved properties (compared to literature). Two generation pathways will be shown: the impregnation of porous materials, and the encapsulation of volatile organic compounds (µ-capsules).
In industrialised countries more than 80 % of the time is spent indoors. Products, such as building materials and furniture, emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs). VOC in combination may, under certain environmental and occupational conditions, result in reported sensory irritation and health complaints. A worldwide network of professional commercial and non-commercial laboratories performing emission tests for the evaluation of products for interior use has been established. Therefore, comparability of test results must be ensured. A laboratory’s proficiency can be proven by internal and external validation measures that both include the application of suitable emission reference materials (ERM). The EU-funded EMPIR project MetrIAQ aims to develop new and improved ERMs. The goal is to obtain a material with a reproducible and temporally constant compound release. The generation as well as results of the most promising materials will be presented.