German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values

Source: falco / / CC0
The AIR sets indoor air guide values, hygienic guide values and risk-related and preliminary guide values for health-based assessment of indoor air.
The AIR sets indoor air guide values, hygienic guide values and risk-related and preliminary guide values for health-based assessment of indoor air.
Indoor air is a significant chemical uptake pathway. To assess indoor air quality in public and private buildings, the German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values (AIR) sets health-based guide values as well as hygienic guide values that enable a health-related assessment of substance concentrations in indoor air. The AIR also derives risk-related and preliminary guide values for selected carcinogenic chemicals in indoor air. Members of the AIR are experts from federal states and federal governments in Germany. Further experts may be appointed as necessary.
The office of the AIR has been established at the German Environment Agency in Section II 1.2 "Toxicology, Health-related Environmental Monitoring".
The German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU) defines indoor environment as:
The average person in Central Europe today spends 90 per cent of their time indoors. We breathe anywhere between 10 and 20 m3 of air per day, depending on our age and how active we are. The indoor air we breathe can contain a variety of pollutants that can affect our health. Therefore, it is important to be able to make a health-risk assessment of indoor air quality. Indoor air guide values are derived for this purpose.
The methods applied by the AIR to derive indoor air guide values are published in various principal papers in the Federal Health Gazette (Bundesgesundheitsblatt).
The AIR derives two indoor air guide values for the purpose of health risk assessment:
Indoor air guide value I (precautionary guide value) describes the concentration of a pollutant in indoor air which, according to current knowledge, is not expected to cause any adverse health effects, even in the case of lifelong exposure of sensitive persons.
In the concentration range between RW I and RW II, a direct health hazard is not to be expected. Nevertheless, undesirable exposure must be assumed. For precautionary reasons, measures to minimise the concentrations of the pollutant in indoor air should be taken. Indoor air guide value I can serve as a remediation target value.
Indoor air guide value II (hazard guide value) is an effect-related value, based on current toxicological and epidemiological knowledge of a substance’s effect threshold. It represents the concentration of a pollutant in indoor air at which immediate action is required if it is reached or exceeded. This concentration is particularly likely to affect the health of sensitive persons, including children, especially if they spend long periods of time indoors. Guide value II correlates to the building codes of the federal states in Germany, which stipulate that structures must be designed to prevent hazards due to chemical, physical or biological impacts.
In 2022, the Federal Ministry Republic of Austria for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology included the indoor air guide values derived from the AIR in their guideline for evaluation indoor air.
Hygienic guide values are determined when practical experience has demonstrated simultaneous increase of the likelihood of complaints and adverse health effects with the concentrations of an indoor air pollutant, but for which the state of knowledge is lacking to derive a toxicologically based indoor air guide value only. The following hygienic guide values were established for carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter (PM2.5).
Hygienic guide values for indoor air
As indoor air can contain numerous organic compounds for which not all indoor air guide values are available, the AIR recommends using the sum of volatile organic compounds (TVOC) as the first important parameter for analysing total VOC exposure in indoor air. Although the TVOC value cannot be used to make an health assessment, it serves as a relevant indicator for categorising the indoor air pollution and the exposure of occupants to VOC and should be taken into account in indoor air measurements. For precautionary reasons, high TVOC concentrations above 950 µg/m3 (corresponds to the 95th percentile of the database determined in the German Environmental Health Survey from 2014 to 2017 (GerES V)) should be avoided in the indoor air for occupants. Detailed information on the exact procedure and possible measures in the case of exceedance can be found in the guidelines published in 2025.
Indoor air measurement data on the presence of a chemical in indoor air is required for a health assessment of cancer-causing substances (carcinogens). This data is recorded as a 95th percentile (reference value) and reflects what is called the background concentration of the substance in indoor air. Toxicological and/or epidemiological data on the exposure-risk relationship are also required. It is important to know the underlying effect mechanism of the carcinogenic substance. If an exposure-risk relationship study can be identified, the indoor air concentration of the carcinogen that is associated with a theoretical cancer risk of 10-6 after lifetime exposure must be identified. The concentration corresponds to one case of disease per 1,000,000 people based on lifelong exposure to the calculated concentration of the pollutant. This calculated concentration is compared with the current reference value from the available indoor measurement data. If the concentration derived from the exposure-risk relationship is above the current reference value, it is used as the risk-related guide value for the assessment. If the concentration of the reference value is linked to a theoretical risk higher than 10-6, then a preliminary guide value is set based on the indoor air reference value. From a health protection perspective, preliminary guide values always indicate a general need for minimisation strategies.
Risk-related guide values for indoor air
The occurrence of unusual or unpleasant odours in indoor air can raise concern among occupants about exposure to indoor air pollutants with potential health effects. Complaints about an odour annoyance are often a reason for indoor air measurements. For the assessment of the plausibility of complaints about odour annoyance, the German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values (AIR) provides so-called odour guide values (OGV) for various odour-relevant indoor air pollutants.
When an OGV is reached or exceeded, a concept of graded measures is recommended in order to minimise the odour exposure. If measures have been implemented to reduce odour annoyance, the success or failure of the measures is evaluated solely by the fact whether complaints about odour annoyance continue to exist.
The AIR points out that the table with the current OGV on this website is always valid, as it is updated in the context of new scientific and analytical findings. If an exceedance of indoor air guide values or risk-related guide values also occurs in the course of an indoor air measurement, the AIR points out that measures according to these concepts must be applied with priority.
The OGV are not suitable for a release measurement. The comparison of measurement results with OGV is only justified in cases where occupants have expressed a complaint about odour annoyance. An objective method for investigating the hedonic of an odorant, i.e. whether the odour is pleasant or unpleasant, is provided by the method of polarity profiles (VDI 3940/Sheet 4, 2010). This examination is usually done with selected and trained test persons. However, the assessment of the test persons does not necessarily reflect the odour perception of the affected occupant. Depending on the situation or based on individual experience, even an odour that most people find pleasant can be extremely annoying to some people. In addition, objective data on hedonics are available for only a few odorants. Therefore, hedonic was not explicitly considered when OGV were established. However, the hedonic is implicitly included because the concept of OGV is only applied when complaints of odour annoyance are raised.
The AIR is not aiming to create odour-free rooms. The concept is used to evaluate indoor air measurement results when the reason for the measurement were complaints about odour annoyance. For this reason, the AIR uses an intensity level of 3 (distinct odour) as a basis for deriving the OGV.
The minutes of AIR meetings are published only in German on the UBA website.
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 68: 201-218 (2025)
Guide values for indoor air: polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) (in German with Abstract in English)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 66 (4): 460–475
Guide values for indoor air: methanoic acid, ethanoic acid and propionic acid
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 65: 1216–1233 (2022)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 65: 1216–1225 (2022)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 65: 128–136 (2022)
Guide values for indoor air: methanol (in German with Abstract in English)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 64: 1616–1623 (2021)
Risk-based guide value for indoor air: vinyl chloride (in German with Abstract in English)
With the decision on the 48th meeting on November 4 and 5, 2013, the ad hoc working group suspended its 1997 guide values for carbon monoxide in indoor air. In the opinion of the ad hoc working group, the guide values no longer correspond to the current state of knowledge. Instead, the ad hoc working group decided to adopt the World Health Organization's guide values for carbon monoxide and their statement for their derivation as guide values for indoor air. These were updated in 2021 by the newly revised WHO air quality guidelines.
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 64: 1318-1327 (2021)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 64: 1184-1192 (2021).
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 64:1036–1046 (2021)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 64: 126-135 (2021)
Guide values for indoor air: methyl methacrylate (in German)
German Commission on Indoor Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 63: 1304-1310 (2020)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 63 (3): 361 - 367 (2020)
Addendum to the guide values for nitrogen dioxide in indoor air (2022)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl (2019)
Addendum to the guide values for nitrogen dioxide in indoor air (2022) Guide values for indoor air: nitrogen dioxide (NO2) (in German) (2019)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 62 (1): 114 - 117 (2019)
Health assessment of 1,2-dichloroethane (1,2-DCE) in indoor air (in German with Abstract in English)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 61 (4): 488 - 493 (2018)
Guide values for indoor air: 2-phenoxyethanol (in German with Abstract in English)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 60 (11): 1305 - 1315 (2017)
Guide values for indoor air: tetrachloroethene (in German with Abstract in English)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 60 (11): 1298 - 1304 (2017)
Guide value for indoor air: propane-1,2-diol (propylene glycol) (in German with Abstract in English)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 59 (8): 1028–1039 (2016)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 59 (8): 1040-1044 (2016)
Guide value for indoor air: formaldehyde (in German with Abstract in English)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 59 (11): 1522–1539 (2016)
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 58 (11-12): 1378-1389 (2015)
Guide values for indoor air: dimethylbenzenes (in German with Abstract in English)
Communication from the ad-hoc working group for indoor air guide values of the indoor air hygiene commission and the highest state health authorities, Bundesgesundheitsbl 58 (7): 762–768 (2015)
Risk-related guide value: trichloroethylene (in German with Abstract in English)
Guide values for indoor air: 2-chloropropane (only data sheet, in English)
Communication from the ad-hoc working group on indoor air guide values of the indoor air hygiene commission and the highest state health authorities, Bundesgesundheitsbl 58: 505-512 (2015)
Guide values for indoor air: 2-butanone oxime (in German with Abstract in English)
Addendum: German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 65: 848 (2022)
Ad-hoc working group of members of the Federal Environment Agency's Indoor Air Hygiene Commission (IRK) and the AGLMB Committee for Environmental Hygiene. Bundesgesundheitsbl Gesundheitsforsch Gesundheitsschutz 51 (2008), S. 1370 -1378.
Addendum to the health evaluation of particulate matter in indoor air (2022) Health evaluation of particulate matter in indoor air (2008)
Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz 48 (2005), pp. 803-813.
Sagunski, H. and W. Heger: Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz 47 (2004), pp. 705-712.
Sagunski, H. and B. Heinzow: Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz 46 (2003), pp. 346-352.
Sagunski, H. and E. Rosskamp: Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz 45 (2002), pp. 300-306.
Wolf, T. and H. Stirn: Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz 43 (2000), pp. 505-512.
Link, B.: Bundesgesundheitsblatt 42 (1999), pp. 168-174.
Sagunski, H.:Bundesgesundheitsblatt 41 (1998), pp. 392-421.
Englert, N.; Bundesgesundheitsblatt 41 (1998), pp. 9-12.
Ad-hoc working group of members of the Federal Environment Agency's Indoor Air Hygiene Commission (IRK) and the AGLMB Committee for Environmental Hygiene. Bundesgesundheitsblatt 40 (1997), pp. 234-236.
Witten, J., H. Sagunski und B. Wildeboer; Bundesgesundheitsblatt 40 (1997), pp. 278-284
Sagunski, H.; Bundesgesundheitsblatt 39 (1996), pp. 416-42.
Guideline of the German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values (AIR), Bundesgesundheitsbl 68: 190-200 (2025)
David et al. (2024): The German approach to evaluate complaints about odour annoyance in indoor environments. In: Indoor Environments
The German approach to evaluate complaints about odour annoyance in indoor environments
German Committee on Indoor Air Guide Values, Bundesgesundheitsbl 66 (4): 452–459
Assessment of odorous substances in indoor air – further development of the OGV concept
Fromme et al. (2019): The German approach to regulate indoor air contaminants. In: International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health
Communication from the Ad-hoc Working Group on Indoor Guide Values of the Indoor Air Hygiene Commission and the States´ Supreme Health Authorities; Bundesgesundheitsblatt 55(2): 279-290 (2012)
Guide values for indoor air: First update of the German risk assessment procedure
Ad-hoc working group of members of the Federal Environment Agency's Indoor Air Hygiene Commission (IRK) and the AGLMB Committee for Environmental Hygiene, Bundesgesundheitsblatt 39 (1996), pp. 422-425.
Seifert, B.:Bundesgesundheitsblatt-Gesundheitsforschung-Gesundheitsschutz 42 (1999), pp. 270-278.