Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7182 hits:

Publikation | created on 10.11.2020 | changed on 10.11.2020

Further development of the EU ETS for aviation against the background of the introduction of a global market-based measure by ICAO

In 2012, aviation was included in the EU ETS. In 2016, the ICAO also adopted a global measure to limit CO2 emissions from international aviation (CORSIA). The aim of the research project is to investigate the reciprocal effects between these two market-based instruments. In particular, several options how both could be optimally combined are considered. In addition, the extent to which the two... read more

Artikel | created on 19.04.2024 | changed on 25.06.2024

Perspectives of sustainable and crisis-proof cities in the

‘More local, public and agile, the cornerstones of a resilient post-Corona city’ The shutdown of public and economic life; the rediscovery of what is really ‘systemically relevant’; new forms of community spirit and of generations; read more

Publikation | created on 12.06.2013 | changed on 12.06.2013

Sustainable electricity for the future

Sustainable electricity supply calls for transition to a system using 100 percent renewable energy sources. Electricity supply based entirely on renewable energy sources is technically possible by 2050. In all ambitious expansion scenarios, electricity from wind and solar energy plays the central role. The costs of electricity generation from renewable sources have already fallen considerably ... read more

Publikation | created on 15.04.2009 | changed on 16.07.2014

Instrumente zur Förderung von Umweltinnovationen

Die Untersuchung der deutschen Förderpolitik umfasst direkte Förderprogramme sowie verschiedene indirekt auf Innovationen wirkende Instrumente der Umweltpolitik, wie Abgaben oder das Ordnungsrecht. Sie wird durch eine Analyse ausländischer Best-Practice-Beispiele, unter anderem die kalifornische Klimapolitik und das japanische Top-Runner-Programm, ergänzt. read more

Pressemitteilung | created on 23.09.2011 | changed on 09.07.2013

More sun in Germany’s schools

The "Solarenergie macht Schule e.V." association is now looking for the most solar-energy oriented school in Germany. “Solar energy is becoming more and more significant, which is why our youth should learn about it earlier on,” says President Jochen Flasbarth of the Federal Environment Agency (UBA), who has taken on sponsorship of this contest. With respect to a secure energy supply fit for th... read more

Publikation | created on 16.06.2020 | changed on 22.12.2020

Sustainable Pathways out of the Corona Crisis

The Covid 19 pandemic is causing considerable social and economic disruption worldwide. Short and midterm financial support measures for mitigating the acute consequences of the pandemic must be structured in a way, that they support the needed longterm changes towards a sustainable and climate-neutral society. The UBA position paper proposes an action plan for Germany, that takes into account... read more

Publikation | created on 08.11.2017 | changed on 22.11.2017


Es gibt immer mehr Forschungen, die sich mit Veränderungsprozessen in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit beschäftigen und sich Transformationsforschung nennen. Transformationsforschung gibt es in verschiedenen Forschungsrichtungen, zu verschiedenen Themenfeldern (z.B. Konsum, Mobilität, Energie) und mit verschiedenen Schwerpunkten und Methoden. Dies macht einerseits die Transformationsforschung reichhalt... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment