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Artikel | created on 03.05.2024 | changed on 04.09.2024


Geoengineering, climate engineering, climate intervention or climate altering technologies - even if new terms are constantly being found, they do not change the fact that has been known for decades: climate modification approaches harbor major risks for environment and society. read more

Termin | created on 20.05.2022 | start on

A disruption of the sustainability transformation?

The TES Academy and the Ukraine Task Force at UBA invite all interested parties to the virtual event "A disruption of the sustainability transformation? – Sustainability policy perspectives on the war in Ukraine" to reflect on the implication of the war in Ukraine for international sustainability policy. The event consists of a key note (Imme Scholz), a panel discussion, and a public Q&A se... read more

Einstiegsseite | created on 06.09.2017 | changed on 18.04.2018

Stakeholder Dialogues

The Federal Republic of Germany represented by the UBA, and the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention hosted a series of six workshops across the Alpine region. The workshops were scheduled in order to achieve a broad-based participation in the process of drafting the Action Programme and to initiate suitable actions.The workshops were held during September and November 2017. The indi... read more

Publikation | created on 22.12.2023 | changed on 22.12.2023

From quantum computing to the future of inner cities and a new world order

In the second horizon scanning process of the environment department, the following ten emerging future topics have been identified and elaborated that could be of high environmental relevance:Quantum computingCryptocurrenciesTechnological innovations on the way to climate-friendly air transportNew regionalismResilience as the basis of a sustainable societyMobile workGrowing through crises: Th... read more

Publikation | created on 21.01.2019 | changed on 21.01.2019

Urban Environmental Protection

With this strategic research agenda, UBA identifies future research priorities for the development of urban areas which are based on environmental quality goals. Interfaces between disciplines and knowledge gaps in environmentally-oriented, socially responsible and health-promoting urban development are identified. read more

Publikation | created on 22.04.2022 | changed on 23.05.2022

The European Commission’s 2050 Vision „A clean planet for all” – Implications for Sector Strategies and Climate Governance

Im November 2018 veröffentlichte die Europäische Kommission ihre Strategische Langzeit-Vision „Ein sauberer Planet für alle“ mit dem Vorschlag spätestens in 2050 EU-weit Netto-Null-Treibhausgasemissionen zu erreichen. Durch das EU-Klimaschutzgesetz wurde das Klima-Neutralitätsziel rechtlich verbindlich. Dieser Forschungsbericht bewertet die Strategische Langzeitvision der Europäischen Kommissi... read more

Publikation | created on 26.10.2022 | changed on 26.10.2022

Eckpunkte für ein nachhaltiges Wiederaufbauprogramm für die Ukraine

In diesem Diskussionspapier legt das Umweltbundesamtes (UBA) erste Überlegungen für ein nachhaltiges Wiederaufbauprogramm für die Ukraine vor. Ein Wiederaufbauprogramm wird viele unterschiedliche Anforderungen erfüllen müssen. Einige wesentliche Felder eines Wiederaufbauprogramms sind: Reduktion der Umwelt- und Klimabelastungen; Energie; Industrie; Verkehr; Infrastruktur; Städte; Bauen und Woh... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment