Your search for "energy transition" resulted in 7182 hits:

Termin | created on 27.07.2022 | start on

The war in Ukraine as magnifying glass of unsustainability?

In this event, we inquire into the root causes of the challenges resulting from the war in Ukraine by looking at current consumption and production patterns. We explore the psychological barriers that often keep us from facing the uncomfortable realities surrounding our lifestyles and engaging in activities that can support a sustainability transformation despite the multiple ongoing crises. read more

Termin | created on 05.07.2022 | start on

State responsibilities for sustainability under multiple crises

The TES Academy and the UBA Task Force “Ukraine” invite all interested parties to the virtual event “Do industrialized nations neglect their responsibility for promoting the sustainability transformation (in times of multiple crises)?” to aim at bringing such perspectives from the global South to the front and raise awareness to potential needs that go beyond financial issues. read more

Publikation | created on 06.09.2022 | changed on 06.09.2022

Promoting transformational change through carbon markets

The research project explores how carbon market approaches under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement can contribute to the transformational change required by these global agreements. The project names insights and recommendations for how to design and implement Article 6 rules and activities to promote transformational change through carbon markets. In this regard a definition of transformationa... read more

Publikation | created on 18.03.2019 | changed on 17.06.2019

Veröffentlichung des 6. Globalen Umweltberichts (GEO-6) 2019: Analyse der Implikationen für Deutschland

Der vorliegende Hintergrundbericht erläutert Ziele und Mandat, Prozess und Methode des 6. Umweltberichts der UNEP (GEO-6) und wertet seine zentralen Befunde aus. Diese Befunde werden darüber hinaus aktuellen Daten zum Umweltzustand in Deutschland gegenübergestellt. Die Autorenschaft kommt zu dem Schluss, dass trotz erheblicher Anstrengungen der Umweltpolitik auch in Deutschland zahlreiche Umwe... read more

Publikation | created on 06.03.2024 | changed on 06.03.2024

Pathways to a sustainable financial economy

The sustainability transformation of the financial sector is a key prerequisite for the transformation of the real economy. This report therefore comprises 15 proposals in four central dimensions towards a sustainable financial sector in Germany: transformatitive relevance, transparency on the sustainability of financial products, sustainability risk management, and impact measurement of susta... read more

Artikel | created on 24.03.2023 | changed on 03.08.2023

Series: The relevance of the War in Ukraine for transformation

The United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the urgently needed sustainability transformation face new challenges due to the Russia’s war against Ukraine. Especially in European societies, many initiated changes are currently re-evaluated under the unprecedented geopolitical situation ("Zeitenwende"), such as energy supply, mobility, and agriculture. The German Environment Age... read more

The Umweltbundesamt

For our environment