No.: 1/2023Newsletter "UBA aktuell"

Dear readers,

They consume resources unnecessarily and produce a lot of waste that harms the environment and is a nuisance in streets and parks: yes, we’re talking about single-use packaging from “coffee to go” and other take-away food and drink products. This edition of our newsletter focuses on two measures that are intended to stem the tide of waste. Other topics include manipulative practices in online shops and the latest figures on German auction revenues from European emissions trading in 2022. Also included are sections on innovative products from the German Ecodesign Award and the announcement of the competition for 2023.

We hope you find it an interesting read,

The Press Office of the German Environment Agency


Combating the flood of waste: new right to “reusable packaging to go” and planned levy on single-use plastic

Sushi and several sauces all individually wrapped in disposable plastic containers in a take away paper bag
Replacing single-use to-go packaging with reusable packaging cuts waste and saves resources.
Source: FotoHelin / Adobe Stock

Whether it's a “coffee to go” in a café or sushi in a fast food restaurant, since 1 January 2023 customers in Germany have a choice: they must be offered food and beverages for immediate consumption on the premises or to take away in reusable packaging instead of single-use packaging at no extra charge or at most against a deposit. When it comes to food, the requirement to offer a reusable alternative applies to all packaging that is made entirely or partly of plastic. For beverages, it applies to all single-use cups, – regardless of the material. The obligation applies to all packaging that is filled on site by the business. Very small businesses with no more than five employees and a sales area of no more than 80 square metres, such as snack bars and kiosks, can also fulfil their obligation by offering to fill containers brought in by customers.

A major step on the journey away from a throwaway society. Shortcomings remain, however: single-use packaging can still be dispensed at no extra charge and is often more convenient for customers as it does not have to be returned. Comprehensive take-back systems, in which reusable containers can be returned at virtually every corner, are not yet widespread everywhere. Furthermore, single-use packaging that does not contain plastic, such as pizza boxes, is currently still exempt from the new regulation.

A further boost for reusable products could come from the introduction of compulsory levies on some single-use products that are made entirely or partly of plastic (e.g. coatings), foreseen for 2024: According to EU regulations that must also be implemented in Germany, manufacturers of cups for beverages and other single-use products containing plastic will then have to pay for collecting them from streets and parks and for disposing of them. Up to now, cities and municipalities in particular have been saddled with these costs of approximately €434 million per year. German Environment Agency President Dirk Messner: "We expect the new levy on single-use plastics to finally put a stop to littering of the environment and that manufacturers and retailers will offer significantly more reusable products, especially for popular to-go packaging. Consumers can also help by insisting on reusable packaging and stop discarding cigarette butts and other plastic waste in the landscape.”

Climate / Energy

Kraftwerk mit dampfenden Kühltürmen

Emissions trading rings up record revenues: More than 13 billion euros for climate protection

Germany’s revenues from auctions under the EU Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) totalled more than 6.8 billion euros in 2022, marking a significant increase over 2021 (5.3 billion euros). In contrast, revenues under the national emissions trading scheme (nETS) for the heating and transport sector fell below the previous year’s level (6.4 billion euros in 2022 vs 7.2 billion euros in 2021). read more

Erste Seite mit Text

CBAM: Relevance of Foreign Trade and CO2 costs

Analysis for the products cement, aluminium, steel, fertilisers

This analysis is intended to contribute to classifying the effects of the introduction of the CBAM on the affected industrial sectors in Germany in relation to exports. It analyses the export intensity and the costs for the purchase of certificates compared to the average value of exports of the respective product more

fact sheet
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Using Article 6.2 to foster ambition

How Germany could use the cooperative approaches of the Paris Agreement to raise climate ambition

The research project explores how Germany can increase ambition by using carbon market approaches under Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement. This paper explores possible uses of Article 6.2 by Germany beyond the attainment of the EU-NDCs. The paper explores different options to use Art. 6.2 for compliance as well as voluntary purposes. Moreover, reporting possibilities under UNFCCC are more

Climate Change
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EU ETS: Detecting, preventing, and fighting money laundering in emissions trading

This is a EU-wide study on the detection of money laundering risks in the European Emissions Trading System (EU ETS). It is based on a survey of companies active in the Union Registry and their authorized representatives. Six recommendations are derived from the study: (1) software-based analysis of the Union Registry, (2) communication on risk situations and suspicious activity reports, (3) more

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Sustainable building air conditioning in Europe

Concepts for avoiding heat islands and for a comfortable indoor climate

The intensity of heat islands in urban areas with many sealed surfaces and little vegetation is increasing due to climate change. This study investigated both how to mitigate this effect on affected neighbourhoods and how to provide agreeable indoor temperature, if possible without air conditioning. Using simulations of both microclimate and buildings, the effect of alterations in outdoor more

Climate Change
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Climate resilient infrastructure systems

Improving science-policy-practice collaboration

In 2021 UBA commissioned workshops to discuss how research outputs on climate resilient infrastructure systems could be more consistently transferred into practice of infrastructure operation. This paper presents barriers for successful transfer and provides recommendations to overcome them. The target audiences for these recommendations are funding bodies, policy makers, and standardization more

Climate Change
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Biogenic and fossil carbon in sewage sludge and digester gas determined by isotope investigation

The aim of the study was to conduct an initial analytical survey of a small number of samples analyze the proportion of fossil carbon in sewage sludge and digester gas and to correlate it with other data collected in a sewage treatment plant. A conservative but representative standard value of 80% biogenic carbon could be derived for sewage treatment plants if they receive less than half of more

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Land use as a sector for market mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement

The land-use sector plays a critical role for achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. This report discusses key environmental integrity challenges for using carbon market mechanisms to implement mitigation activities in the land-use sector. The report evaluates how existing carbon market mechanisms address these challenges in practice and to what extent these approaches can mitigate more

Climate Change
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CO₂ pricing should and can prevent social inequality

Ambitious CO pricing of fuels and heating materials by means of emissions trading is a key lever for achieving the statutory climate targets in the building and transport sectors. However, it is important to ensure that this does not lead to social hardship. A recent study by the German Environment Agency (UBA) reveals how this is possible. read more (in German)

Local authority survey “Climate Change Mitigation in Local Authorities 2023”

What climate change mitigation measures are local authorities implementing? How many climate change managers are there currently in Germany? What climate change mitigation targets do local authorities set themselves? How many local authorities are aware of their greenhouse gas emissions? We want to answer these and other questions with the local authority survey “Climate Change Mitigation in Local Authorities 2023”. read more (in German)

Climate change mitigation as a transformation task

Climate change mitigation will only succeed if politics, society and business set the right course. It is a task for society as a whole and potential pitfalls in realising climate change mitigation must be taken into account. In its latest paper, the German Environment Agency has outlined and evaluated how this can be done and identified the best approaches to tackling this major transformation task. read more (in German)

Parameters for the Climate Change Mitigation Projection Report 2023

Will Germany’s climate goals be achieved under the current climate change policy? The UBA is currently coordinating the generation of projections in order to address this question. This will allow gaps in climate policy to be identified at an early stage and remedial action to be taken in good time. For the 2023 Projection Report, the UBA has for the first time published in advance the now defined parameters that will be used for the modelling. read more (in German)

Policy recommendations for energy conservation

Energy is still scarce, meaning energy prices remain high and are a burden on household budgets. The German Environment Agency recommends that the Federal Government provide a framework that makes it easier for people to reduce their consumption of heating and electricity. This would also be beneficial for the climate. As a rule, the recommended measures would require only small investments. read more (in German)

RE:DESIGN EFFICIENCY creative competition on energy efficiency

The RE:DESIGN EFFICIENCY creative competition is looking for photographs, graphics or illustrations that make the invisible – unconsumed kilowatt hours – visible. This is because greater energy efficiency and an end to energy waste are essential if we are to achieve a successful energy transition and meet our climate targets. Enter by 31 March 2023 and make a creative contribution to ⁠protecting the climate!⁠ read more (in German)

More green electricity and more renewable heat in 2022

Sunny weather ensured strong growth in electricity generation from solar panels in 2022. The installation of heat pumps and solar thermal is picking up speed. However, there is still little momentum in the development of wind power. The expansion of renewables in Germany must be significantly stepped up if the targets of the Renewable Energy Sources Act are to be achieved. read more (in German)


Collaborative planning for a healthy city

Health concerns are not given sufficient consideration in environment-related planning processes. This is in part due to the lack of cooperation between the planners and stakeholders from the healthcare sector. The technical brochure “Collaborative planning for a healthy city” makes recommendations on how health concerns can be addressed in cities. read more (in German)


Eine Pfanne liegt im Sand

Possible ban on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the EU

European agencies including the German Environment Agency (UBA) have submitted a joint proposal for the restriction of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). This proposal is one of the most comprehensive to have been formulated since the REACH regulation first came into force in 2007. read more


Further development of screening tests for the evaluation of potential PBT substances

Assessing the persistency of chemicals in general involves a stepwise approach. This includes cost effective and easy to conduct screening tests, that may lead to a need for more complex, lengthy and expensive tests which try to simulate conditions being more representative for the environmental compartments water, sediment and soil. The former tests lead to conclusions about the substance’s more

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Food web on ice - Investigation of the bioaccumulation of chemicals in an exemplary food chain

Final report

Trophic magnification factors (TMFs) have been derived in a variety of different aquatic eco-systems worldwide to investigate accumulation patterns of environmentally relevant chemicals. Not only is the TMF interesting for chemicals’ risk assessment related questions, but also for monitoring aspects under the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). This study is the first TMF study more

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Reducing pollutants in construction with EU-standardised test procedures

Reducing pollutants in and from buildings and other structures is one of the priorities of the European Union's Zero Pollution Action Plan. The project “Methods and Criteria for Assessing the Ecotoxicity of Products”, commissioned by the UBA, identifies the building products for which there is a need for action and potential for minimising pollutants as well as which test methods are suitable. read more (in German)

ChemInfo provides more information about taurine

In autumn 2022, the entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz died at the age of 78. His name is closely associated with the emergence of a chemical that can now be found in numerous energy drinks and other everyday products: taurine. While the substance initially attracted only limited legal attention, there are now regulations governing the addition of taurine to various products. read more (in German)


Speed limits could cut greenhouse gases more than previously thought

According to new calculations commissioned by the UBA, the potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by setting speed limits is significantly higher than previously assumed. A speed limit of 120 km/h on motorways and 80 km/h on roads outside built-up areas could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from German road traffic by a full 5%. This corresponds to 8 million tonnes of CO₂ equivalents per year. read more (in German)

Energy consumption of electric cars: making tests more realistic

The fuel consumption figures given by car manufacturers for their vehicles often do not reflect reality. A UBA study has shown that this is also the case with electric vehicles. The study concludes that the energy consumption of heating and air-conditioning systems will have to be included to a much greater extent in the official WLTP test procedure in future if realistic data on consumption and range are to be obtained. read more (in German)

More acceptance for e-cars, car sharing and car pooling

How can people who predominantly or exclusively use a private, conventional car for their everyday transport needs be convinced to use electric cars, car sharing or car pooling instead? This question was explored in a research project commissioned by the German Environment Agency. read more (in German)

Economy / Consumption

photo of the jury in front of a building

14 projects to be honoured with the German Ecodesign Award 2022

The 14 winners of the German Ecodesign Award once again display a wide range of forward-looking solutions to tackling the most diverse challenges. These solutions include intelligent lighting systems, a seasonal calendar for green electricity, precast foundations for wind turbines, a deposit chair as well as concepts for transforming the clothing industry and data-based rewetting of peatland. read more

Erste Seite mit Inhaltsverzeichnis

How to perform a robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment for EU taxonomy reporting?

Recommendations for companies

A robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment is required for companies wishing to achieve taxonomy compliance under the EU Taxonomy Regulation with respect to significant contributions to climate adaptation for certain economic activities. The relevant legal requirements are defined in Annex 1, Appendix A of Delegated Regulation 2021/2139. To facilitate the implementation of these more

fact sheet
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Methods and standards for assessing the repairability of electrical and electronic devices

Strengthening material efficiency under the Ecodesign Directive

The repair of for energy-related products is linked to several ecological, social and economic benefits. However, defective products are hardly ever repaired in practice. The project aims to make the repairability of energy-related products assessable in order to better inform consumers about the repairability of products at the time of purchase. In practical trials on various tumble dryers more

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Timber can be stockpiled using 90% less energy

Around 90% of the energy used in the storage and commissioning of solid structural timber and glulam can be saved. This is what has been demonstrated by the first large-scale use of a fully automatic, electrically operated crane and suction system, which was funded by the Environmental Innovation Programme and installed at the timber wholesaler Karl Ahmerkamp Vechta GmbH & Co. KG. read more (in German)

Brewery reduces carbon dioxide emissions by 24% with innovative technology

By taking a holistic view and optimising process heat generation, refrigeration, wastewater treatment and control, measurement and regulation technology, the Karmelitenbrauerei Karl Sturm GmbH & Co KG in Straubing, Bavaria, succeeded in reducing climate-damaging carbon dioxide emissions by almost a quarter. The project was supported by the German Environment Agency within the bounds of its Environmental Innovation Programme. read more (in German)

Waste / Resources

packaged plastic waste

Transboundary waste shipments and the new plastic inputs

Against the background of the new entries for plastic waste, as implemented into EU-law since 1.1.2021, this implementation guide is aimed at all companies or institutions that deal with plastic waste on a crossborder basis. In particular, this includes waste producers, waste handlers such as sorters and recyclers, transporters and enforcement and control authorities. It is an aid to the more

brochure / flyer
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Pilot screening of the environmental hazard potentials of mine sites

OekoRess III

100 large mining sites for copper, iron ore and bauxite worldwide were examined for their environmental hazard potentials. An assessment method developed in the preceding projects OekoRess I and II was applied. The 100 environmental hazard profiles are presented in the form of an interactive map. The report describes the research process, summarises and discusses the research results, draws more

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EU Packaging Regulation: thinking in cycles from the outset

With its draft packaging regulation, the EU Commission has presented a regulatory proposal to reduce the environmental impact of packaging, with the measures it contains covering the entire life cycle. The UBA welcomes the focus on waste prevention and reusability as well as recyclability and the use of recycled plastics. However, the required standards fall short of expectations in some places. read more (in German)



Literature research for the review of ecotoxicological Critical Limits for heavy metals as a basis for the calculation of Critical Loads in the Geneva Air Convention

Seit 2005 nutzt die Genfer Luftreinhaltekonvention (CLRTAP) ökologische Belastungsgrenzen (Critical Loads) um Wirkungen von Schwermetallen auf die menschliche Gesundheit und auf Ökosysteme zu beurteilen. Dafür sind kritische Konzentrationen in Umweltmedien festgelegt, die sogenannten Critical Limits. Nach mehr als 15 Jahren müssen diese Wirkungsschwellenwerte überprüft werden. Der Bericht in more

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Cover der Publikation TEXTE 135/2022 CCE Status Report 2022

CCE Status Report 2022

Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE)

This report describes activities by the Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE) since the CCE was transferred from the Dutch National Institute for Public Health (RIVM) to the German Environment Agency (UBA) in 2018. The CCE is the programme centre for the International Cooperative Programme on Modelling and Mapping (ICP M&M) under the Working Group on Effects of the Convention of Long-range more

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Recyclable materials from sewage sludge: implementing the Sewage Sludge Ordinance

After the introduction of the Sewage Sludge Ordinance in 2017, a number of questions arose about phosphate recycling, such as the potential for the recovery of nutrients from sewage sludge, which the new regulations did not adequately address. A study conducted by the UBA answers these questions and provides information on analytical methods and intervals for sewage sludge testing. read more (in German)


UBA Gebäude Dessau

The upcoming European Soil Health Law – chances and challenges for an effective soil protection

The European Soil Strategy for 2030 by the European Commission has set the foundations for an overarching approach to the protection of soils in Europe. In this scientific opinion paper, the German Environment Agency (UBA) lays down its key recommendations for the upcoming Soil Health Law. Feedback on legislative options is provided and experience gained in Germany in the past years on soil more

Scientific Opinion Paper
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Cover CC

Barriers to mitigating emissions from agriculture

Analysis of mitigation options, related barriers and recommendations for action

On the basis of a literature review, this paper outlines the main mitigation options for agricultural activities and the broader food system on the supply and the demand side. Economic, policy/legal barriers, technical barriers, socio-cultural barriers, institutional barriers as well as biophysical or environmental barriers hinder the implementation of these options. The identified barriers more

Climate Change
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Promoting plant-based nutrition through a VAT exemption for plant-based staple foods or incentives to reduce food waste – the UBA has compiled proposals for measures and information to make agriculture and nutrition more environmentally friendly to mark the “Green Week” agricultural trade fair. read more (in German)

Sustainability / Strategies / International matters



Software Solutions for Environmental and Sustainability Management

Environmental and sustainability-related data is becoming increasingly important for corporate success, not least because of rising regulatory requirements. The use of software solutions and digital technologies offers numerous potentials for process optimisation, decision support and improvement of environmental performance. At the same time, barriers and challenges are known from corporate more

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UBA News

251 entries in the GRÜNSTRICH environmental art competition

“Our blue planet urgently needs an "update"! There are many events that are showing us that we have already wasted far too much time.” More than 250 youngsters and young adults between 10 and 25 years of age packaged these and many other impressive appeals into works of art that they submitted to the painting and drawing competition. read more (in German)

As recounted


Bisphenols can have a detrimental effect on hormonal levels and therefore on human health and organisms in the environment, even at low concentrations. Bisphenol A (BPA) has been detected in 100% of the adults tested in Europe, and bisphenol F and bisphenol S in 50% of test subjects.


Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency)
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Corinne Meunier

Six times a year our Newsletter „UBA aktuell“ provides information about the latest activities and work of the German Environment Agency (UBA).

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