No.: 5/2021Newsletter "UBA aktuell"

Dear Readers,

Time is pressing for the effective implementation of climate protection. Which is why the UBA once again presented a selection of its proposals for a climate-neutral Germany in a Twitter campaign in September. More on this in this newsletter issue. In addition, the new air quality guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO) are among the topics discussed. These are very ambitious and take into account the new findings of the last two decades on the serious impact of air pollution on health. Although the guidelines are not legally binding, we hope that they significantly influence clean air policy in Europe and other regions of the world in the years to come. The "Zero Pollution" action plan presented by the EU Commission in May 2021 is also welcome. The UBA has developed a proposal in a scientific opinion paper on how it may be possible to structure the "Zero Pollution Ambition" topics and regulations in order to better protect water, soil and air, as well as our health.

Your German Environment Agency Press Office 

Get started now for a climate-neutral Germany!

renewable energies
70 % less greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 are possible - and necessary - in Germany.
Source: Eyematrix /

The 2020s must set the course for Germany achieving climate neutrality. UBA has presented numerous proposals on how it is possible to achieve this, for example in 2019 with the RESCUE study. It shows: Germany is capable of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by around 70 percent by 2030 compared to 1990. We must, however, act immediately and substantially increase our efforts. A selection of the UBA's proposals:

Energy transition : In comparison to 2020, Germany needs to build four and a half times as many onshore wind turbines and install twice as many rooftop photovoltaic systems per year.

Transport transition : More walking, cycling, bus and rail transport and fewer and more climate-friendly cars are needed - for example by reducing environmentally harmful subsidies and providing more space and investment in climate-friendly mobility. 

Nutrition transition : The consumption of animal foods, such as meat or dairy products, needs to decrease. Policymakers could promote this, for example, by raising VAT on animal-based foods and lowering VAT on plant-based foods.

Climate-friendly industry : Energy and resources also need to be used more efficiently and the remaining energy demand covered by renewable electricity or, if not possible, via hydrogen produced with renewable electricity.

Heating transition and energy-efficient building refurbishment : The energy requirements of buildings need to be drastically reduced. This requires us to renovate about 2.5 percent of the building stock per year - currently we are only at 1 percent. The heating supply needs to be switched from oil and gas to climate-friendly heating networks or to heat pumps powered by green electricity.

Sustainable consumption and circular economy : Products need to last longer, be used for as long as possible and be recycled at the end of their life. 

International cooperation : A global effort is required to halt the climate crisis - especially in the G20 countries, including Germany. They alone cause 80 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Germany should therefore cooperate with other countries and set milestones, as it did in 2000 with the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG).

Consumer tips

Where to dispose of the e-waste?

Whether it is a washing machine, television, mobile phone or remote control - you can dispose of all old electrical appliances in an environmentally friendly way and hand them in free of charge at your recycling centre. Retailers also accept the return of old appliances free of charge. After all, recycling the raw materials that go into the appliances protects the environment and the climate. The "International E-Waste Day" on 14 October 2021 draws attention to the proper disposal methods. read more (in German)

Starting from 1 September 2021, new energy labels for lighting fixtures

The energy consumption labelling for lighting fixtures reverts to classifications A to G. The requirements for achieving the highest energy efficiency classes A and B are high and thus offer incentives for manufacturers to ensure their products are even more energy-efficient. A new product database is to provide better orientation before purchase. read more (in German)

UBA positions

Statement: WHO Air Quality Guidelines 2021

A joint statement by medical, scientific and public health societies and institutions on the new World Health Organization Air Quality Guidelines 2021. read more (in German)

Science & Research

Digital maps for heating planning for municipalities, state and federal government

More than half of final energy consumption in Germany is used for heating and cooling buildings and for hot water in private homes and in industrial processes. An efficient remote heating supply leads to a reduction in energy consumption and the associated CO₂emissions. The maps developed on behalf of the UBA support municipalities and decision-makers in heating planning. read more (in German)

A contract to increase resource efficiency

Resource protection and efficiency are an ecological, economic and social necessity. A study commissioned by UBA analyses how international processes and treaties are able to contribute to the more efficient use of abiotic resources such as sand or wood. Proposals are being developed to prepare an international treaty on the efficient use of resources. read more (in German)

Germans would pay for an improvement in the condition of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea

Algal blooms, water turbidity, overfishing, underwater noise or rubbish have a negative impact on the condition of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea. This also reduces the value that people attach to these habitats. A study commissioned by UBA has determined that citizens would be prepared to pay an average of EUR 65 per person per year to achieve a good environmental status of the German seas. read more (in German)

Economy & Environment

Mann mit Tablet

National emissions trading: Sell-off to start in October 2021

The first sell-off session in the national fuel emissions trading system (German: nEHS) is expected to be on 5 October 2021, as scheduled in an agreement between the European Energy Exchange (EEX) and the German Environment Agency (UBA). The sales sessions on the European Energy Exchange (EEX) will be held twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays) for six hours each from 9.30 until 15.30 CET. read more

Environment at municipal level

Practical help: Relinquishment of residential areas for the purpose of climate adaptation

In the course of adaptation to climate and demographic change, it makes reasonable sense to specifically relinquish residential areas in shrinking municipalities, for example in flood zones. A new UBA brochure helps to find and implement the best concepts, strategies and measures. It is primarily aimed at municipal actors in urban development, for example from the administration, committees or councils. read more (in German)

Environment International

EMW-figures on zebra crossing

European Mobility Week: Safe and Healthy with Sustainable mobility

Sustainable mobility can promote health and safety. Walking, cycling or using public transport improves mental and physical health and keeps people fit. Low speeds and a traffic system which is geared towards pedestrians and cyclists are all part of greater safety in transportation. European Mobility Week which takes place from 16 to 22 September features citizen actions in towns and cities. read more

The World Health Organisation's new air quality guidelines

Air pollutants pose a health risk worldwide and also have harmful effects on the climate, biodiversity and ecosystems. On 22.09.2021, the World Health Organisation (WHO) presents its new globally valid air quality guidelines. The German Environment Agency (UBA) welcomes the publication of this constitutive paper on air quality assessment. read more (in German)

Climate change, eutrophication, waste and munitions: Endangered Baltic Sea

Germany still holds the chair of the Helsinki Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea (HELCOM) until mid-2022. Climate change, eutrophication, waste and munitions: The environment of the Baltic Sea is in poor condition. Find out what challenges there are in marine protection and how HELCOM protects the Baltic Sea in the video. read more (in German)

Law & Legislation

Pesticide use in nature reserves hardly regulated by law

The current legal framework in protected areas is no guarantee of sufficient protection against the use of pesticides. This is revealed in a recent assessment report commissioned by the German Environment Agency (UBA). The report examines the protected area ordinances of the federal states of Saxony and Lower Saxony as examples. read more (in German)

Federal government resolves to procure climate-friendly services

The federal government's objective is a climate-neutral federal administration by 2030. The Federal Government Cabinet has therefore adopted a General Administrative Regulation on the Procurement of Climate-Friendly Services (AVV Klima). read more (in German)

New programme of measures for sustainable administration

On 25 August 2021, the Federal Government Cabinet adopted the Programme of Measures for Sustainability - Further Development 2021 "Implementing sustainability in tangible administrative action". The Federal Government is committed to implementing the guiding principle of sustainable development even more strongly in its own administrative actions. read more (in German)

Renaturation of federal waterways to be a federal responsibility in future

The federal government is now also taking responsibility for the renaturation of federal waterways. The Federal Waterways Act has been amended as a result. It is an opportunity to plan water management, transport and tourism requirements for the first time from a single source. read more (in German)

Recycling of packaging: New minimum standard

Manufacturers of certain types of packaging are required to participate in a “dual system” of waste collection in Germany, to ensure that packaging is collected, sorted and recycled. Since 2019, fees for this are also to be assessed according to how well a package is recyclable. The minimum standard on how to determine suitability for recycling has now been adapted to new developments in the packaging sector. read more (in German)

UBA News

Schriftzug "Bundespreis Umwelt & Bauen" und Bild einer Trophäe aus Holz

Bundespreis UMWELT & BAUEN 2021 – Progressive building and refurbishment for more climate protection and social cohesion

The vocational school centre in Mühldorf am Inn wins the Federal ENVIRONMENT & BUILDING 2021 Award for its innovative energy concept. The building generates more energy than it consumes and stores waste heat in an ice storage. In addition to the main prize winner, another four projects were awarded recognitions, including two in the newly created category "climate-friendly refurbishment". read more

Recently published

Cover Texte

Advancing REACH – ECHA Board of Appeal

Proposals for further development and strategies for implementation

For ⁠REACH⁠ a board of appeal (BoA) is established within the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) in order to guarantee processing of appeals for any natural or legal person affected by decisions taken by ECHA. This report summarized the status and the development of the Board of Appeal since REACH entered into force. It analyses three different policy options to enhance the more

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Cover Renewable energies in Germany 2021

Renewable energies in Germany

Data on the development in 2020

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, the Working Group on Renewable Energy Statistics (AGEE-Stat) takes stock of the use of renewable energies and annually prepares an official estimate of the development of renewable energies for the previous year. This background paper describes the initial findings for the electricity, heatand transport sectors, supplemented by more

background paper
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Cover Texte

Toxicological basic data for the derivation of EU-LCI values for 1,4-cyclohexane dimethanol, 3-methoxybutanol, 1,2-propylene glycol n-propyl ether, methyl formate and butyl formate

The subject of this project was the preparation of substance reports for five substances relevant for building products emissions. For these substances, the toxicological data basis was researched, compiled and evaluated, and EU-LCI values were proposed. The EU-LCI values allow the harmonisation of the health assessment of building products emissions throughout Europe. The EU-LCI Working Group more

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Year of publication

The value of the German marine environment

Costs of degradation of the marine environment using the example of the German North Sea and Baltic Sea

Strong algal growth, water turbidity, overfishing, underwater noise or trash not only on the beaches are just a few examples that the North Sea and Baltic Sea are confronted with. The latest status assessment of the German North Sea and Baltic Sea waters from 2018 shows that a good status of marine waters is still a long way off. From a human well-being perspective, a marine environment in more

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Forum UBA

The Zero Pollution Action Plan as a chance for a cross-regulatory approach to pollution prevention and reduction

To further prevent and reduce the pollution of air, water, and soil and to safeguard human health and well-being, the European regulatory framework needs to be improved to include a cross-regulatory approach. This scientific opinion paper presents such an approach for the systemic protection of air, water, soil and human health – the Zero Pollution Ambition Cycle developed by the German more

Scientific Opinion Paper
Number of pages
Year of publication

As recounted


The share of beverages filled in reusable bottles has been declining in Germany for years. The most recent data reveal an increase in the proportion of reusable beverages for the first time again in 2019. At 41.8 per cent, however, it falls well short of the regulatory target of 70 per cent.



Umweltbundesamt (German Environment Agency)
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Corinne Meunier

Six times a year our Newsletter „UBA aktuell“ provides information about the latest activities and work of the German Environment Agency (UBA).

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